tracker 'states' proposal

>From the Tracker Feature Page:

More states for issues - allow issues and actions to be in more states than
simply OPEN and CLOSED. (Note that I'm hesitant to do this because the CDF
group have had a lot of success with only the binary states)."

I'd like to suggest that it might be most useful to allow each working
group to define their own 'states' vocabulary, for both actions and issues,
for tracking their products. This would imply the need for either some form
of restricted access to the list of states, or self-imposed discipline on
the part of the group, to minimize state creep (I would prefer
the former but the latter would be fine I think). Personally, I also don't
see a problem with the status menu on the right growing -- this might also
have the effect of encouraging relatively short status vocabularies.

And as long as we're on the subject, although much lower priority, it would
also be useful to have:
* An 'Owner' field exactly like the 'Raised By' field in the Issues Detail
* A 'Related Issue' field in the Actions Detail

And then of course it would be nice to be able to see:
* A hyperlinked list of related actions in the Issue Detail
* A linkable Person detail that would show all of my
Issues raised and owned, and actions assigned

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 18:04:41 UTC