[SKOS] A revised proposal for ISSUE-39 ConceptualMappingLinks

Dear all,

Following last week's teleconference [1], and, especially, the 
insightful comments got from the SKOS mailing lists [2] (thanks again to 
all of you who contributed to this important discussion!), I have 
revised my proposal for ISSUE-39 conceptualMappingLinks [3]. The result 
is accessible at [4]

The main differences with the previous version [5] are:
- skos:overlappingMatch is not kept.
- there is a formal proposal for postponing resolution on: part of RDFS 
and OWL semantics, semantic conditions, inconsistent examples, 
entailment rules and syntactic constraints. I asked for feedback last 
week, and so far there has been only one comment on the axioms of [5]. I 
guess none of us has the time for this between now and the end of the 
year :-(
- there is a formal proposal to raise an issue on mapping between 
conceptual entities (e.g. groupings) that are not of type skos:Concept
- the discussion section has been revised: it now especially includes a 
paragraph on owl:sameAs vs skos:exactMatch and a paragraph on allowing 
mapping statements withing one concept scheme



[1] http://www.w3.org/2007/12/04-swd-minutes.html
[3] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/track/issues/39

Received on Monday, 10 December 2007 18:26:57 UTC