SKOS ISSUE-39: clarification?

Hi All,


We have been using the SKOS MVS within the HILT Phase IV project to encode
equivalence relationships between various schemes and DDC. The recently
proposed SKOS ISSUE-39 has left me feeling unclear on a couple of things;
I'm hoping you can help clarify the questions below for me?


1)       What is the status of this issue and proposal (ISSUE-39)? 

2)       ISSUE-39 states that Major/minorMatch are deprecated, along with
classes AND, OR and NOT. It also 'transfers' skos:mappingRelation,
skos:exactMatch; skos:broadMatch and skos:narrowMatch from the MVS into the
standard SKOS vocabulary. Does this mean that the MVS will no longer be used
if this proposal is accepted? 

3)       skos:relatedMatch and skos:overlappingMatch are introduced: could
you please provide a definition of relatedMatch (assuming this is for
inter-thesaurus mapping) and perhaps an example? I'm not clear of the
distinction between this and overlappingMatch, at a practical level.

4)       The first version of ISSUE-39 proposed to introduce
skos:equivalentConcept as a replacement for skosm:exactMatch - has this idea
now been dropped?


Thanks in advance for your help.



Emma McCulloch 

Centre for Digital Library Research (CDLR) 

Department of Computer and Information Sciences 

University of Strathclyde 

Livingstone Tower 

26 Richmond Street 


G1 1XH 


Phone: +44 (0)141 548 4752

Fax: +44 (0)141 548 4523 




Received on Monday, 3 December 2007 18:28:20 UTC