Re: [RDF/A] A non-XHTML Example


Yes, we set ourselves up for this one, didn't we! :)

I should point that the Primer is careful to say "one should be able  
to use RDF/A with other XML dialects, e.g. XHTML1, SVG, given proper  
schema additions." That's a bit of handwaving on our part.

We believe that RDF/A will be useful in other contexts, and will be  
usable via XML Schema Modularization, but we have *not* done the  
legwork to actually make that happen yet, and we probably don't want  
to give the impression that RDF/A is immediately ready for use in  
these other languages.

I assume from your comment that, at the very least, we need to make  
the above points much clearer.


On Jan 31, 2006, at 4:59 PM, John McClure wrote:

> The primer states that RDF/A can be used in XML streams other than  
> XHTML2 (the primer mentions XHTML1 and SVG). I am wondering if a  
> sample to that effect can be included using, for instance, Dublin  
> Core elements ....
> <foo:Person rdf:about='someURI'>
>    <dc:title rdfa:property='FullName'>Jon Doe</dc:title>
>    <dc:identifier rdfa:property='SSN'>999-99-9999</dc:identifier>
> </foo:Person>
> Please note that an rdfa: namespace is presumed necessary, unless  
> one expects every XML dialect to be as kind as XHTML has been to  
> hardwire the RDF/A attributes. Also note that the rdf: namespace is  
> used for the 'about' attribute.
> Thanks
> John

Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2006 22:06:22 UTC