Re: [XSCH] My thoughts on XPath eq and current document

Jeremy I stand corrected on transitivity. (oups)

Regarding comments on the fact a new position might not be a good idea, I 
can understand this, I was simply trying to explain what I tried to say 
during f2f. I'll check around me to see if this position needs to be 
defended or not.



| Dr. BENJAMIN NGUYEN              |
| Université de Versailles         |
| et St-Quentin-en-Yvelines        |
| Eq. Systèmes de Bases de Données |
| 45, av des Etats-Unis            |
| 78035 Versailles CEDEX           |
| INRIA-Futurs                     |
| Projet Gemo                      |
| 4, rue Jacques Monod             |
| ZAC des Vignes                   |
| 91893 Orsay CEDEX                |
| FRANCE                           |

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Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2005 17:27:50 UTC