Putting server added information to the result?


Regarding the privacy/security(?) issue,
I wonder if its worth leaving rooms for
server added (i.e. auxiliary) information to the result.

For example, a server may want to add some usage restrictions
to some of the triples (or bindings) in the result,
or the server may want to add some provenance information
to them, which are not required by the user with the query.

For that information is a kind of optional, it may be up to the user
how to use that information, but it should be very useful / informative.

How to add such kind of information is totally unclear,
but, with the XML binding format, I guess servers can put that information
in the <head></head> part (although, the current schema does not allow

Or we can hand the issue to the protocol.
If one adopts SOAP, we may find appropriate places to put that information 
in the header? or as an additional item in the body?
sorry, I confess, I know little about protocols.

At the end of the day, my proposal is to make rooms for such kind of server 
added information
in the result form or protocol.

How does it sound to you?


Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 18:13:54 UTC