[action completion] W3C URI Persistence Policy

>Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 12:15:22 -0500
>To: W3C Communications Team
>From: "Ralph R. Swick" <swick@w3.org>
>Subject: W3C URI Persistence Policy
>The Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group
>is drafting several Working Group Notes on the topics of managing
>vocabularies in and porting thesaurii to the Semantic Web.
>One of the items the WG would like to cover is policy statements for
>best practices on naming and persistence of URIs.  During a recent
>discussion [1] it was observed that while it is common belief that
>W3C has a published persistence policy for URIs in the w3.org
>namespace, the document [2]Persistence Policy that we believe
>describes the W3C policy does not claim any formal endorsement.
>In fact, [2] is signed "1999/@@@draft".
>[1]  http://www.w3.org/2005/03/03-swbp-minutes#item02
>[2] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Persistence
>The purpose of this message is to inform the Communications Team
>that the SWBPD Working Group intends to cite [2] as the W3C URI
>Persistence Policy.
>If the Comm Team believes there is a better document to cite, we
>would welcome such advice.

Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 17:39:30 UTC