Draft minutes of 20040527 telecon

Semantic Web Best Practives and Deployment WG telecon, 27 May 2004 1800 UTC

New Action Summary

ACTION: Ralph add to the WG home page a note informing the public that they
are free to write to the WG mailing list and to use the string "comment:" in
their subject

ACTION: bwm Propose ammendments to the classes as values note.

ACTION: Ralph get advice on using WG Note vs. Working Draft for early SWBPD

ACTION: guus to provide description of process for publishing notes

ACTION: ralph remind TF leaders they can use intermediate weeks, between WG
telecons, for TF telecons.

ACTION: guus to discuss with Jim Hendler how to push this forward.

ACTION Aldo Prepare summary of Wordnet proposal document, and send to
Christiane after review by the WG.

Decision Summary

Non WG members should post comments to the main WG list

Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2004May/0131.html


Pat Hayes, Brian_McBride (scribe), Ralph Swick (team contact),
Guus_Schreiber(chair), Dan Brickley, Libby Miller, Natasha Noy, Jen Golbeck,
[Sophia], Fabien Gandon, Evan Wallace, Aldo Gangemi, Jeremy Carroll (part
time), Christiane Fellbaum (part time)


Role call


Pat Hayes, Brian_McBride (scribe), Ralph Swick (team contact),
Guus_Schreiber(chair), Dan Brickley, Libby Miller, Natasha Noy, Jen Golbeck,
Fabien Gandon, Evan Wallace, Aldo Gangemi, Jeremy Carroll (part time),
+1.609.258.aaaa (?), Christiane Fellbaum (part time)


Alan Rector, Deborah McGuinness, Jos De Roo, Gary Ng, Bernard Vatant, Tom
Baker, Marco Nanni, Aditya Kalyanpur, Nick Gibbins, Jacco Ossenbruggen
PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the May 13 telecon:

Seconded Pat Hayes

Next telecon: June 10, 1400 UTC
Dan Brickley to scribe

Agenda amendments
None proposed.

Medium for public comments on SWBPD:

Agreed to begin using a single list and allowing non WG members to post
comments to it.

ACTION: Ralph add to the WG home page a note informing the public that they
are free to write to the WG mailing list and to use the string "comment:" in
their subject

ACTION Guus to contribute a pattern on quantities for May 27th telecon

ACTION Guus to contribute a pattern on qualified-cardinality restriction for
May 27th telecon

ACTION Deborah to write a pattern on closing roles by June 10th telecon

ACTION Ralph to add completed and "under consideration" TFs to the
description on the web page http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/#Tasks
Continued.  Expect to complete as soon as publishing problem is fixed.

ACTION Ralph to talk with the chair of the XML Schema WG to invite them to
join the XSCH TF
Started, but we missed the XML Schema f2f.  Continued.

ACTION Ralph and Jeremy to update XSCH TF description

ACTION Alistair, using the SKOS note as a strawman, to discuss how to adapt
it to a WG note

ACTION DanBri to propose a short-term plan for the THES TF

ACTION DanBri to give access to TF homepage to Alistair
Done.  Request made to systeam.

ACTION Guus read bernard's e-mail with draft TMAP msg
Continue. Guus to complete within one week.

ACTION Evan to report on the status of the UML profile for ontologies in

ACTION Libby propose repository for apps based on test-repository

ACTION Guus set up link from SWBP home to page to "tips and tricks"

ACTION: Ralph provide W3C style pointers to Natasha

3. TASK FORCES (30-45 min)

The chair comments that there were 16 people present at the informal WG
dinner in Crete.  He noted that this WG has the difficulty that there is
much interest in the product of the WG, but that it is hard to get the
reources to do the work.  We must take steps to manage expectations and to
try to get some first results out before the summer.
TF leaders to give status update plus point to discussion items, if any
3.1 OEP - Ontology Engineering and Patterns
Coordinator: Deb McGuinness, Mike Uschold
Current (draft) notes:
1. classes as values

Describing this document as near final stimulated many comments.  Natasha
feels it needs at least one more iteration.  Brian expressed concern that
the scope of the document is too narrow.  Natasha did not see what more
could be said and invited Brian to edit the document to illustrate what he

ACTION: bwm Propose ammendments to the classes as values note.

2. n-ary relations

Waiting to coordinate with Alan.  Plan to have new draft by next telecon.
The new draft will not be Owl specific, but there may be unresolved issues.

3. qualified cardinality restrictions
May reprioritise this as it is owl specific.

The chair is hoping to publish all three of these before the summer.

Brian asked about the publication process.  He wanted to be sure there was
appropriate scope for public comment before the WG considers a document
done.  Specifically, is the WG going to publish Working Drafts.  Concern was
raised about the process implications with respect to IP of publishing WDs.
Concern was raised that the process document says that publishing a Working
Group note indicates that work on a topic has ended.

ACTION: Ralph get advice on using WG Note vs. Working Draft for early SWBPD

ACTION: ralph to discuss publication process with process experts.

ACTION: guus to provide description of process for publishing notes

3.3. THES - Porting Thesaurii to RDF and OWL
Coordinator: Dan Brickley

Continue with current action.

3.3 WRLD - World View
Coordinator: Jim Hendler
Short-term plan:

ACTION: ralph remind TF leaders they can use intermediate weeks, between WG
telecons, for TF telecons.

ACTION: guus to discuss with Jim Hendler how to push this forward.

3.4 XSCH - XML Schema Datatypes
Coordinator: Jeremy Carroll & (open - XML Schema WG)
 Liaison with XML Schema:

Not discussed in Jeremy's absence.

3.5 ADTF - Applications and Demos
Coordinator (for the moment): Libby Miller
TF description:

The aim of this task force has changed to creating a list of demos and
applications.  Libby has proposed a template for describing them.

ACTION libby update task force description

ACTION libby complete template for applications from the 2003 SW challenge

ACTION guus complete template for Finish museums example

ACTION danbri complete template for FOAF

ACTION ralph complete template for Annotea

ACTION libby complete template for web conference photo applications

DECISION: Use the SWAD-E weblog for capturing these.

There was discussion of simple developers tools, e.g. the 10 line perl
script to extract XMP data from Adobe documents.

[Christiane Fellbaum expected to join the discussion]
Issues to discuss:

Christiane introduced herself as working on Wordnet, an author of a book on
Wordnet and interested in spreading the use of Wordnet.  She stated that
Wordnet is really a lexicon and she is interested in mapping it to an
ontology and thus she is sympathetic to our request.  However she has also
been contacted by Adam Pease and is wondering if we are competing.

[Adam Pease chaired IJCAI-2001 Workshop on the IEEE Standard Upper Ontology
, per http://home.earthlink.net/~adampease/professional/ ]

Guus responded that the rationale for this task force is that there are
several different translations of Wordnet to semantic web languages and it
would promote interoperability and use of Wordnet to agree on one
representation using one namespace.  Thus we are not competing with Adam.

Guus explained that we are proposing two steps.  The first step, the low
hanging fruit, is create a direct translation of Wordnet in a semantic web
language.  The second step, which is not yet ready for standardization given
there is no consensus on how to do it, is how to relate Wordnet to an
ontology.  However we can facilitate this research if it can be based on a
common encoding of Wordnet in a semantic web language.

Christiane agreed that we are not yet ready to standardize the mapping to an
ontology and with the split into two phases, doing the first one first.

Guus suggested that if we can agree on a namespace and on an encoding then
the working group will provide the tools to do the translation from the
prolog form of Wordnet to RDF.  Guus requested that the translation be
shipped as part of the standard wordnet distribution.

Christiane, whilst emphasizing that she has not resources, agreed that the
Wordnet group would help with reviewing the proposed translation and
advising on solutions to technical issues.  She also agreed that the Wordnet
team maintain Wordnet and this might be shipped in the next version. 

There was some dicussion of ongoing maintenance that didn't reach a firm

Christiane asked if there were commercial aspects to this work, and Guus
replied that this is the product of a W3C working group, working in public,
so not directly.

Christiane stated she was sympathetic to the proposal and requested the WG
provide a document summarizing the proposal she could use to discuss with
her colleagues.  Aldo agreed to produce this document.  It was agreed it
would be reviewed by the WG before being sent to Christiane.

Guus emphasized the internationalization aspects of the encoding.

ACTION Aldo Prepare summary of Wordnet proposal document, and send to
Christiane after review by the WG.

Danbri thanked Christiane for Wordnet which he described as a great resource
he has been using for 5 years and asked about future plans for Wordnet.
Christiane replied that it is largely stable, though still changing, it will
change more slowly.  Asked about proposals to change the upper level
structure, Christiane replied that the Wordnet team were not always aware of
such proposals.

Meeting Adjourned

> 5. AOB
> -- 
> Free University Amsterdam, Computer Science
> De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> Tel: +31 20 444 7739/7718
> E-mail: schreiber@cs.vu.nl
> Home page: http://www.cs.vu.nl/~guus/

Received on Friday, 28 May 2004 07:34:10 UTC