Close to final draft of "classes as values" note

You can find the next (and, hopefully, close to last iteration) of the  
"Classes as values" note at 

At this point, as we've agreed in the previous telecon, I would like to  
propose this document as an official note.

Thanks to everyone for their comments and suggestions.

Major changes:

1. I've added one more approach (approach 4) that approximates the  
solution by identifying the book as a  book about *some* lions. It is  
indeed an approximation, but the question has come up often enough that  
I felt it was worth at least mentioning and explaining what's different  
about such an approach. Please take a look at the considerations there,  
since this stuff is all new.

2. I've changed to real book examples, as Bernard suggested. I used  
rdfs:seeAlso to refer to the isbn site (cool resource indeed)

3. I have not used SKOS properties in approach 3 directly (avoiding the  
addition of another complexity level), but I have mentioned it (and  
also used seeAlso to point to the corresponding SKOS property). I hope  
it's a reasonable compromise.


Received on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 16:23:39 UTC