Re: philosophy of SWBPD (was Re: [OPEN] and/or [PORT] : a practical

5)    Jim's comment that he can't see what one would use OWL for 
outside the SW context is a bit hard to reconcile with an article of 
which he is co-author and which he cites as a major demonstration of 
OWL -   in the very first SW Journal - on the National Cancer 
Institute Thesaurus/Ontology.  If you look at the NCI's CaCore web 
site [1], it would be difficult to argue that their prime goal was 
the Semantic Web - nor does the article concern primarily Semantic 
Web issues.  As far as I can see from the outside, NCI  have 
published in OWL because it is a standard with tools to make their 
ontology widely available.  Their internal work is in a different 
formalism (Apelon's) and has nothing to do in that form with the 
Semantic Web. Many others will probably do likewise.

Alan  this is silly - that  article is not at all about the Ontology 
per se, it is completely about how the ontology was ported to OWL so 
that it could be used on the semantic web -- the article is 100% 
about the semantic web issue.  There's a long article being prepared 
for a bioinformatics journal about the ontology itself, and I would 
not claim that that article is relevant to this WG since it is about 
the ontology, but not about the ontology in the SW context.

I'd like to make a request to you folks -- if you want to claim my 
own articles against may, I'd hope you will read them first. 
Further, almost be definition, the fact these are appearing in 
journals makes then much more likely to be "research" and thus out of 

I freely admit that many of my own papers and those by my students[1] 
are either not related to the goals of this WG or are research 
articles that are out of scope.   Some of my other articles (for 
example, the one entitled "The Semantic Web" [2]) are within the 
scope of this group, and I am happy to see them cited if appropriate 

  -Jim H


Professor James Hendler 
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-277-3388 (Cell)

Received on Tuesday, 20 April 2004 22:49:48 UTC