- From: Jim Hendler <hendler@cs.umd.edu>
- Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 22:41:32 -0400
- To: "Uschold, Michael F" <michael.f.uschold@boeing.com>, "DLU BPD (E-mail)" <public-swbp-wg@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <p0602040cbcab8d6c7c78@[]>
At 0:12 -0700 4/19/04, Uschold, Michael F wrote: [snip] So let me try another tack on addressing this point. I have tended to be of the view that any/all good ontology engineering best practices presented using RDF/OWL will help anyone who wishes to user OWL for Semantic Web applications, and thus should be in scope for this WG. However you and Pat have suggested, (on the face of it, quite reasonably) that the scope of this group should be more strongly WEBBY. This seems like it could be good advice, but w/o any criteria for deciding, it is not actionable advice. I hope that you (or Pat) can suggest and illustrate useful criteria that can be applied to demonstrate examples that are clearly in scope, and those that are clearly out. Natasha's example would be good place to start. Was there anything in Natasha's contribution that was specific to with the Web? (e.g. that explicitly needed and used the features that Pat so well described as the 'webby' portions of OWL)? As far as I could tell, most or all of the points she made could have been made on any number of KR/Ontology languages that pre-dated RDF and OWL. If that is so, then by your reckoning, most/all of her contribution would be out of scope. Yet, instead you praise her work highly. Do you think her contribution is in scope or out of scope? What criteria do you use to determine it? Mike - Natasha's document is entirely about how to resolve the issue that the most natural way to represent something in OWL takes you out of OWL DL, and how to prvide work arounds should you care about that. Seems to me it is completely oriented towards OWL and specific to a representational problem that is "epiphenomenal" to OWL (i.e. how to use the DL profile correctly if, unlike me, you care). of course it is in scope -- in what way wouldn't it be? Btw, "in scope" does not mean what I (or you or anyone else) thinks we should discuss - in scope refers precisely to what is defined in our Working Group charter as approved by the advisory committee of the W3C per W3C process. I strongly suggest everyone reread this document -- it's not an informal guideline, it is the specific set of rules we agreed to live by when we joined the Working Group - those who need to review the process with respect to charters might want to look at [1] and those wishing to remind themselves what the charter of this working group is (highly recommended) might want to review [2]. [1] http://www.w3.org/2004/02/Process-20040205/groups.html#WGCharter [2] http://www.w3.org/2003/12/swa/swbpd-charter -- Professor James Hendler http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/hendler Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies 301-405-2696 Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab. 301-405-6707 (Fax) Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 240-277-3388 (Cell)
Received on Tuesday, 20 April 2004 22:41:36 UTC