Re: Provenance/Justification

>  > >Yes.  The triples on the bio page are thrown in with the rest.  (I
>>  >suggested we may want to tag where they came from for
>>  >explanation/trust reasoning, some day soon.)
>>  Yes, soon. I think tags like this would be handy for many engines, in
>>  fact.  Our graphic RDF/OWL editor needs to keep them around for more
>>  mundane reasons: even for writing simple markup, the user often wants
>>  to be able to check where a concept 'comes from'.
>>  Maybe that would be a good architectural principle: SW concept names
>>  should always 'come from' a unique resource, which we might call the
>>  provenance of the name.
>Two different but related concepts here.  I was talking about tagging
>triples; you're talking about tagging names.   I'm thinking about
>"who/what made this claim".

OK, sorry I was sloppy there. We need both, actually. A lot of the 
heat in this discussion seems to come from the cases where they 
diverge, so A is asserting a triple using B's URI.

>>  Exactly what this means, and what
>>  relationships there might be between the resource they come from, the
>>  representations extracted from that resource using other Web
>>  protocols, and what the concept name should be understood to denote,
>>  can all be discussed at more length; but at least that would give us
>>  a piton to nail into the rock.
>Actually, I can't separate what you're talking about here from the
>general "what does a URI mean" question, sorry.

Oh, please.  Did I use the M-word anywhere in that? Ive been trying 
to find ways of completely avoiding ever saying 'meaning' when 
referring to URIs.  Provenances could be genuinely architectural. 
Meanings are another matter altogether.


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Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 17:38:43 UTC