
> >Yes.  The triples on the bio page are thrown in with the rest.  (I
> >suggested we may want to tag where they came from for
> >explanation/trust reasoning, some day soon.)
> Yes, soon. I think tags like this would be handy for many engines, in 
> fact.  Our graphic RDF/OWL editor needs to keep them around for more 
> mundane reasons: even for writing simple markup, the user often wants 
> to be able to check where a concept 'comes from'.
> Maybe that would be a good architectural principle: SW concept names 
> should always 'come from' a unique resource, which we might call the 
> provenance of the name. 

Two different but related concepts here.  I was talking about tagging
triples; you're talking about tagging names.   I'm thinking about
"who/what made this claim".

> Exactly what this means, and what 
> relationships there might be between the resource they come from, the 
> representations extracted from that resource using other Web 
> protocols, and what the concept name should be understood to denote, 
> can all be discussed at more length; but at least that would give us 
> a piton to nail into the rock.

Actually, I can't separate what you're talking about here from the
general "what does a URI mean" question, sorry.

   -- sandro

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 16:26:26 UTC