Re: Agenda, December 20 2012, SVG WG telcon

On 20/12/12 12:25 AM, Erik Dahlstrom wrote:
> Agenda:
> * mask-type
>    Whether we're happy with it applying to both <mask> elements and
>    maskable elements, with different meanings.
> * Filter effects feedback

Would we be able to talk briefly about the test suite?  I would like to 
form a plan of attack for, at least, migrating the SVG 1.1 test suite to 
the new repository, because it's probably not going to happen by itself. 
:)  Also, I was asked recently if we have a place to put testharness.js 
tests as somebody was going to contribute a couple.  We don't think we 
have any yet -- where in the svg2-tests repo should we put them?

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2012 00:46:38 UTC