Minutes, 11 October 2012 SVG WG telcon

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attachment for the html version of the minutes.

The raw irc log from http://www.w3.org/2012/10/11-svg-irc:

21:01:08 <RRSAgent> RRSAgent has joined #svg
21:01:08 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/11-svg-irc
21:01:10 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public
21:01:12 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG
21:01:13 <trackbot> Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference
21:01:13 <trackbot> Date: 11 October 2012
21:01:13 <Zakim> ok, trackbot, I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)5:00PM already started
21:01:18 <krit1> krit1 has joined #svg
21:01:39 <birtles> Zakim, who is here?
21:01:39 <Zakim> On the phone I see [IPcaller]
21:01:46 <birtles> Zakim, IPcaller is me
21:01:46 <Zakim> +birtles; got it
21:02:06 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
21:02:25 <ed> Zakim, [IP is me
21:02:25 <Zakim> +ed; got it
21:02:38 <ed> Agenda:  
21:02:44 <Zakim> + +1.415.832.aaaa
21:03:00 <krit1> Zakim, is me
21:03:00 <Zakim> I don't understand 'is me', krit1
21:03:08 <krit1> Zakim, aaaa is me
21:03:08 <Zakim> +krit1; got it
21:04:05 <ed> regrets+ cyril
21:05:22 <krit1> ed: and heycam
21:05:38 <ed> while we're waiting, if you haven't filled out the telcon  
time page, please do (and make sure your UTC offset is correct for *after*  
nov 6)
21:05:55 <ed> regrets+ heycam
21:05:58 <Zakim> +Tav
21:06:06 <krit1> ed: where is this page?
21:06:10 <ed> http://mcc.id.au/2007/03/telcon/index.pl
21:06:26 <Zakim> +Doug_Schepers
21:08:03 <ed> chair: ed
21:08:25 <ed>  
21:10:48 <ed> if you're looking for UTC offsets, see here e.g:  
21:13:47 <ed> so, 21 UTC looks pretty ok
21:14:09 <ed> http://mcc.id.au/2007/03/telcon/index.pl?op=impossible
21:15:54 <ed> proposal:  
21:18:47 <ed> RESOLUTION: we'll have the telcon thursdays 21.00-22.30 UTC  
starting 8 November 2012
21:20:14 <ed> scribeNick: ed
21:20:22 <ed> topic: TPAC telcon (nov 1)
21:20:25 <krit1> Zakim, who is on the phone?
21:20:25 <Zakim> On the phone I see birtles, ed, krit1, Tav, Doug_Schepers
21:20:45 <ed> dirk: i won't be at tpac thu-fri
21:21:16 <ed> ds: i'll be there
21:21:59 <ed> ED: let's cancel the nov 1 telcon then
21:22:14 <ed> topic: Filter Effects 1.0 publication status
21:22:48 <ed> ed: ready to be published, transition request approved
21:23:18 <ed> ... pending pubrules checks and actual publication
21:23:52 <ed> dirk: think the spec is in good shape
21:24:08 <ed> topic: radialGradient @fr
21:24:15 <ed> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2012Oct/0001.html
21:24:46 <ed> dirk: not very controversial, can fr be larger than r?
21:25:09 <ed> ... think it should be able to
21:25:13 <ed> ... canvas allows it
21:25:47 <ed> tav: didn't we already decide to follow canvas?
21:25:57 <Zakim> +cabanier
21:27:00 <ed> ed: did you find any content relying on the old behaviour  
(apart from the testsuite)?
21:27:12 <ed> dirk: one comment from dr olaf hoffmann
21:27:23 <ed> ... and maybe there was something from dailey too
21:28:12 <ed> ed: so, in the webkit impl now there's no clamping, just the  
same as in canvas?
21:28:15 <ed> dirk: correct
21:29:32 <ed> ed: do we want to move the testcase in the testsuite back to  
draft status, or just leave it as-is?
21:29:43 <ed> dirk: let's leave it and then make new testcases instead
21:30:31 <ed> ed: will check if we have any content relying on the old  
behaviour internally
21:31:16 <ed> topic: css clip property
21:31:31 <ed> dirk: csswg resolved to move clip to the css masking spec
21:31:55 <ed> ... clip is different in SVG 1.1, due to reference to CSS2.0
21:32:38 <ed> ... the behaviour for auto is different, we should follow  
21:32:55 <ed> ED: we've already decided to follow css2.1 I think, so that  
should be fine
21:33:34 <ed> ... my experience with 'clip' in svg content is that it's  
unreliable across browsers
21:34:03 <ed> dirk: it's also limited to applying to elemetns that  
establish viewports
21:34:41 <ed> ... if csswg wants to keep it then maybe it should apply to  
more elements
21:35:05 <ed> ... but if they want to deprecate it, then leave it more or  
less as it is
21:35:52 <ed> ed: there's a lack of tests for 'clip' in the svg testsuite
21:36:02 <ed> dirk: we should start writing more tests for svg
21:36:43 <ed> ... can we resolve that clip: auto has no effect in svg?
21:37:02 <ed> ed: does it have an effect in html?
21:37:09 <ed> dirk: no, no effect
21:37:36 <ed> ed: ok, in that case svg should do the same (that is have no  
21:38:11 <ed> RESOLUTION: clip: 'auto' should have no effect in svg
21:38:20 <ed> s/svg/svg2
21:39:02 <ed> topic: removing masking & clipping from svg2 spec
21:39:24 <ed> dirk: can i remove the parts in svg2, and reference css  
masking instead?
21:39:35 <ed> ... like we do for filter effects
21:39:40 <ed> rik: sounds reasonable
21:40:19 <ed> ed: as long as it keeps backwards compat that should be fine
21:40:47 <ed> tav: should have a short paragraph of text for  
masking/clipping in svg2 still
21:40:54 <ed> dirk: ok, i can do that
21:41:39 <ed> RESOLUTION: svg2 will reference CSS Masking
21:42:19 <ed> topic: connectors
21:42:38 <ed> tav: we talked about ports being defined in objbbox space
21:43:02 <ed> ... should be defined in userspace so that if a rect gets  
skewed the ports move with the shape
21:43:30 <ed> ... so that if you transform the shape the ports get  
transformed too
21:44:08 <ed> shepazu: was thinking precentages as being defined in css,  
relative to bbox
21:44:21 <ed> dirk: that's a different thing
21:44:40 <ed> ... i'd agree with tav
21:45:49 <ed> shepazu: if i said something was 50% x and 100% y, and it  
was in a rect, i'd expect that to be in the 50%,100% bbox of the shape not  
of the parent
21:46:16 <ed> tav: ok, but if you skew the rect, so the points move with  
the sides
21:46:38 <ed> shepazu: if you say that's what it means that's fine
21:47:42 <ed> ... what would you expect if i had a rect 100x50
21:48:12 <ed> ... and a point inside that, x,y = 50,50
21:48:27 <ed> ... where would you expect that to be, if the rect's x,y was  
21:48:56 <ed> tav: the center of the bottom of the box
21:50:27 <shepazu> <rect x=100 y=100 width=100 height=50><point x=50  
21:50:41 <Zakim> -Tav
21:51:23 <Zakim> +Tav
21:52:59 <ed> shepazu: in the example i just pasted in, you'd expect the  
point in abs coords 150,150?
21:53:10 <ed> tav: yes
21:53:17 <ed> shepazu: that's what i'd want
21:53:30 <ed> tav: the pretransformed bbox
21:54:09 <ed> ... the connector shouldn't be defined in terms of the object
21:54:20 <ed> ... they don't belong to the object
21:54:27 <krit1> shepazu: do you mean 150,125?
21:54:29 <ed> shepazu: they do, but it's different
21:55:32 <ed> RESOLUTION: points inside shape elements are in the  
coordinate space of the shape element
21:56:20 <ed> tav: shepazu you're working on the connectors spec now?
21:56:42 <ed> shepazu: yes, cleaned up on the flight back
21:57:02 <Zakim> -birtles
21:59:14 <ed> topic: wpd (svgwow)
21:59:32 <ed> shepazu: svg wow demos?
21:59:53 <ed> ed: had a plan to move the published content to github, will  
try to do that soon
22:00:17 <ed> ... should make it easier for ppl
22:01:09 <ed> http://webplatform.org
22:02:05 <ed> dirk: svg parts are lacking polish
22:02:15 <ed> shepazu: please help out with that :)
22:02:36 <ed> dirk: it's hard to find things
22:02:53 <ed> shepazu: it will get better
22:03:12 <Zakim> -Doug_Schepers
22:03:17 <Zakim> -Tav
22:03:18 <Zakim> -ed
22:03:23 <Zakim> -krit1
22:03:32 <Zakim> -cabanier
22:03:33 <Zakim> GA_SVGWG(SVG1)5:00PM has ended
22:03:33 <Zakim> Attendees were birtles, [IPcaller], ed, +1.415.832.aaaa,  
krit1, Tav, Doug_Schepers, cabanier
22:04:08 <ed> trackbot, end telcon
22:04:08 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees
22:04:08 <Zakim> sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is
22:04:16 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes
22:04:16 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate  
http://www.w3.org/2012/10/11-svg-minutes.html trackbot
22:04:17 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye
22:04:17 <RRSAgent> I see no action items

Erik Dahlstrom, Core Technology Developer, Opera Software
Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
Personal blog: http://my.opera.com/macdev_ed

Received on Friday, 12 October 2012 11:47:08 UTC