from August 2018 by subject

[svgwg] 'color-interpolation' isn't used for alpha compositing

[svgwg] 'd' presentation attribute inconsistent with shipped implementation and offset-path

[svgwg] 'd' presentation attribute: use path() function

[svgwg] <foreignObject> and <svg:use>

[svgwg] Add a UA stylesheet rule requiring pointer cursor over links

[svgwg] Add support for the `hidden`-attribute

[svgwg] Add use and symbol elements to the Geometry Properties section

[svgwg] C.4.2 out-of-range flag values note is invalid/unsupported, should be dropped

[svgwg] Change stroke-width initial value to 1px

[svgwg] Character counting in text 'x', 'y', 'dx', 'dy', and 'rotate' attributes.

[svgwg] Clarify character related definitions. #263, #262, #259.

[svgwg] Clarify that mesh and hatch have been deferred

[svgwg] Clean-up Changes appendix

[svgwg] Closed Pull Request: Clarify that mesh and hatch have been deferred

[svgwg] Consider if XSL references can be removed

[svgwg] Deprecate type attribute on SVGStyleElement?

[svgwg] ICC support in Conforming High-Quality SVG viewer

[svgwg] Incorrect syntax for <child-selector> dfn

[svgwg] Inline size: remove 'number' value.

[svgwg] Issue: 'd' presentation attribute inconsistent with shipped implementation and offset-path marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: <foreignObject> and <svg:use> marked as Embedded Content chapter

[svgwg] Issue: Add use and symbol elements to the Geometry Properties section marked as Geometry Properties chapter

[svgwg] Issue: C.4.2 out-of-range flag values note is invalid/unsupported, should be dropped marked as Appendices

[svgwg] Issue: Character counting in text 'x', 'y', 'dx', 'dy', and 'rotate' attributes. marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: Deprecate type attribute on SVGStyleElement? marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: ICC support in Conforming High-Quality SVG viewer marked as Conformance chapter

[svgwg] Issue: References needs a thorough overhaul marked as Appendices

[svgwg] Issue: Remove left-over references to solid-color and solid-opacity marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Review property value definitions to ensure unitless lengths are correctly included marked as Painting chapter

[svgwg] Issue: Rotating text marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: security and privacy considerations marked as Appendices

[svgwg] Issue: systemLanguage is not clear about case-insensitive matches marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Target attribute on `a`: consistency with HTML or with existing implementations? marked as Linking chapter

[svgwg] Issue: Update/move the normative-but-outdated SVG DOM appendix marked as Appendices

[svgwg] Issue: Use the term "user coordinate system" instead of "local coordinate system" marked as Co-ordinates chapter

[svgwg] Language tags are case-insensitive. Closes #517

[svgwg] link cursor to UA stylesheet, closes #468

[svgwg] Make "Example of text auto-wrapped" example valid.

[svgwg] Make examples xml valid.

[svgwg] Marker: update <child-selector> syntax

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Build & local dev fixes

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Change stroke-width initial value to 1px

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Clean-up Changes appendix

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Consistently say dominant-baseline is inherited

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Defer child keyword and child CSS function from paint. #507

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Fixes #405 update description of when visibility applies

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Issue 514

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Language tags are case-insensitive. Closes #517

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: link cursor to UA stylesheet, closes #468

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Make "Example of text auto-wrapped" example valid.

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Make examples xml valid.

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Marker: update <child-selector> syntax

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: No need for XSL-FO, fixes issue 227

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: pathLength does not affect percentage calculations

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Refs overhaul issue 514

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: remove dangling mention of SolidColor from chapter title

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Remove support for segment-completing close path

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Update SVGAElement to match attributes on HTMLAnchorElement

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Use class="extract" to exclude IDL

[svgwg] Need to better define what rules apply to an element in an <svg:use> subtree.

[svgwg] new commits pushed by AmeliaBR

[svgwg] new commits pushed by dirkschulze

[svgwg] new commits pushed by ewilligers

[svgwg] new commits pushed by svgeesus

[svgwg] new commits pushed by Tavmjong

[svgwg] Pull Request: 'd' presentation attribute: use path() function

[svgwg] Pull Request: Build & local dev fixes

[svgwg] Pull Request: Change stroke-width initial value to 1px

[svgwg] Pull Request: Clarify character related definitions. #263, #262, #259.

[svgwg] Pull Request: Clean-up Changes appendix

[svgwg] Pull Request: Consistently say dominant-baseline is inherited

[svgwg] Pull Request: Defer child keyword and child CSS function from paint. #507

[svgwg] Pull Request: Issue 324

[svgwg] Pull Request: Issue 514

[svgwg] Pull Request: Language tags are case-insensitive. Closes #517

[svgwg] Pull Request: link cursor to UA stylesheet, closes #468

[svgwg] Pull Request: Make "Example of text auto-wrapped" example valid.

[svgwg] Pull Request: Make examples xml valid.

[svgwg] Pull Request: No need for XSL-FO, fixes issue 227

[svgwg] Pull Request: Refs overhaul issue 514

[svgwg] Pull Request: remove dangling mention of SolidColor from chapter title

[svgwg] References needs a thorough overhaul

[svgwg] Remove support for segment-completing close path

[svgwg] Review of L.2.1 changes across the whole document - status

[svgwg] Review property value definitions to ensure unitless lengths are correctly included

[svgwg] Rotating text

[svgwg] security and privacy considerations

[svgwg] Since vector-effect options other than non-scaling-stroke already have multiple implementations, is the "at risk" flag valid?

[svgwg] stroke-width initial value must include units

[svgwg] SVGAElement all attributes except href should be as HTML i.e. not SVGAnimatedString

[svgwg] SVGAElement implements two conflicting interfaces

[svgwg] systemLanguage is not clear about case-insensitive matches

[svgwg] Target attribute on `a`: consistency with HTML or with existing implementations?

[svgwg] text chunk, current text position, and text-anchor

[svgwg] The expressions and illustrations in the vector effects chapter of SVG 2 CR are broken.

[svgwg] Update SVG WG Feedback page on to point to GitHub issues

[svgwg] Update SVGAElement to match attributes on HTMLAnchorElement

[svgwg] Update/move the normative-but-outdated SVG DOM appendix

[svgwg] Use CSS gradient rules for transitioning semi-transparent stop-colors

[svgwg] Use the term "user coordinate system" instead of "local coordinate system"

[svgwg] Wrong description of percentage units

Closed: [svgwg] 'pathLength' interaction with <textPath> with a percentage 'startOffset'

Closed: [svgwg] Add a UA stylesheet rule requiring pointer cursor over links

Closed: [svgwg] Consider if XSL references can be removed

Closed: [svgwg] Defer CSS child selectors to SVG 2.1 or a CSS spec

Closed: [svgwg] Incorrect syntax for <child-selector> dfn

Closed: [svgwg] Remove left-over references to solid-color and solid-opacity

Closed: [svgwg] stroke-width initial value must include units

Closed: [svgwg] SVGAElement all attributes except href should be as HTML i.e. not SVGAnimatedString

Closed: [svgwg] systemLanguage is not clear about case-insensitive matches

Closed: [svgwg] The expressions and illustrations in the vector effects chapter of SVG 2 CR are broken.

Closed: [svgwg] Update SVG WG Feedback page on to point to GitHub issues

Closed: [svgwg] Wrong description of "visibility" property

Last message date: Thursday, 30 August 2018 13:56:44 UTC