from August 2017 by subject

[svgwg] Add a method to return the path direction (tangent) angle at a given distance

[svgwg] CMYK Support

[svgwg] Compatibility mid-line rendering attribute to textPath

[svgwg] Enhance `<pattern>` so that it supports all the features of CSS `background`

[svgwg] Enhance `<pattern>` to support auto-width or auto-height for pattern tiles with a `viewBox`

[svgwg] lengthAdjust values just for shrinking

[svgwg] Make d a presentation attribute on path

[svgwg] Specify which attributes/properties are horizontal vs vertical vs other

[svgwg] SVG2 path data coordinates are currently spec'd as integers.

[svgwg] SVGElement.getBoundingClientRect(): which bounding box?

[svgwg] Verbose SVG for improved human readability

Last message date: Thursday, 31 August 2017 09:17:57 UTC