Repository Access

Hi, folks-

Several of you expressed an interest in getting write access to the SVG 
IG document repository [1].  I recommend CVS [2], since that's what I 
use, but the Systems Team indicated that there are other options, 
JigEdit [3] and WebDAV [4].  I recommend your reading the documents I've 
linked to here, and deciding what's best for you.  (Please note that 
since I've never used JigEdit/WebDAV, I'm not going to be of much help 
with those...)

Basically, if you are not comfortable with CVS, you may prefer WebDAV, 
since you can mount up a directory of what you can edit.

For a CVS account, send me a public SSH key as described in the 
instructions for CVS [2].


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Monday, 19 October 2009 23:05:52 UTC