Moving forward a bit on my book

Thanks to some very gentle persuasion from Ruud and Doug, I had a chance
to resume work on "the book." This is a progress report and not an
announcement, as much work remains to be done.

To make a long story short, the thing was originally developed in MS
Word (sorry), and then this fall Doug kindly converted it to HTML as
visible at

I have gone through the first three chapters and applied styles to
tables and source code listings and so forth. The table of contents now
works. All the images are referred to using <base> to their location at

I still have five full reviews (by Erik D., Doug, Ruud, Domenico S. and
Jerrold M) to go through, so the content is still out-of-date and errors
persist, and, of course, the last several chapters have not been
cleansed of their HTML oddities. This work, however, is gnarly and I
find myself having to wrestle with html editors in ways that I have
never done before (I never dealt with so large an HTML document before).
Shaun Roe (who some of you remember from CERN) has agreed to contribute
a section on XSLT -- some of that stuff at the end on new directions is
now more out of date than it was originally, so folks who might want to
write something on the relevance of RDF, OWL, XPATH etc. should get in
touch with me.

Anyhow, the document is not ready to re-upload back up to W3C, but I
need access to it for a class I am teaching this semester, and thought
I'd let ya'll see that I've been back at it.

It'd be cool to have live SVG rather than screen dumps, but my previous
foray into making large documents with lots of SVG embeds in it
crashes (yes crashes) Internet Explorer with ASV.


Received on Tuesday, 10 March 2009 13:32:48 UTC