Conf Call Agenda Feb 5th

- every other Thursday (this week, Feb 5th)
- 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST (check the wiki for your local time)
- phone bridge number is +1.617.761.6200,  conference 78444 ("SVGIG")
- as usual, we will be meeting concurrently in a chat room, on channel
#svgig (irc://, port 6665)
- for those of you without the Chatzilla Firefox extension or access
to a standalone IRC client, W3C provides an IRC gateway accessible via
the browser at

Since it has been quite awhile since our last meeting, let's use this
call to touch base and discuss ongoing activities.  If anyone has a
topic they would like to add, please feel free to send to the mailing


1) SVG Community Website
- progress of Drupal theme, when can we enable
- outgoing feeds
- plans for content

2) SVG Spec News
- SVG-in-HTML?

3) Support in IE
- Plugins: Renesis? MozIE? Corel SVG Viewer? Flash (using Flex SVG
Viewer)? Something else (perhaps WebKit-based?).
- Should we officially endorse or host any of these projects on
planetsvg?  We should least provide an article that describes

4) SVG Open 2009 Plans
- destination and sponsors locked in yet?

Jeff Schiller

Received on Tuesday, 3 February 2009 20:40:42 UTC