Solid: An Explainer

The W3C TAG asked for a Solid Explainer, so I thought I would have a go.
Good / bad / thoughts?

This document provides an overview of Solid, a framework designed to
enhance data management on the web. Solid introduces a method for users to
store and control their data separately from the applications they use.
Overview of Solid

*Data Management with Solid*
Solid enables users to store their personal data in online data stores,
known as Pods. These Pods are controlled entirely by the user, who can
grant or revoke access to applications as desired. This separation of data
from applications allows for greater user autonomy over their personal

*Solid's Technical Approach*
The technical foundation of Solid is based on principles of Social Linked
Data (SoLiD), facilitating the interconnectivity of data across different
platforms and applications. The emphasis is on data portability and
interoperability within a secure framework.
Concept of a Web Operating System

*Solid's Role*
While Solid contributes to the broader idea of a web-based operating system
by enabling the modular use of web applications, the focus remains on its
function as a data management framework. The notion of a web operating
system is a broader concept, one of many potential applications of the
Solid protocol.

*Application Diversity and User Choice*
Solid encourages a diverse ecosystem of client-side applications. This
variety provides users with the flexibility to choose applications based on
their specific needs and preferences, without being limited by data storage
Security and Privacy in Solid

*Data Control and Privacy*
One of Solid's key features is its emphasis on user-controlled data
privacy. Users have the authority to manage who can access their data,
enhancing privacy and data security on the web.
Solid in the Web Ecosystem

*Integration with the Web*
Solid is designed to function within the existing web ecosystem,
complementing and enhancing current web standards. Its focus is on user
data management rather than redefining the web infrastructure.

Solid represents a structured approach to data management on the web. It
provides a framework for user-controlled data storage and application
interoperability, contributing to the development of a more user-centric
web experience.

Received on Thursday, 23 November 2023 09:31:22 UTC