Re: FYI: pod shutting down

Am 11.10.2020, 00:21 Uhr, schrieb Melvin Carvalho  

> But my guess is that the requirements would be something like a box  
> running
> ubuntu 20.04, 4GB RAM, 100GB storage

Hi everyone.

I could donate a box running Debian 8, 2GB RAM, 100GB SSD, NSS 5.5.2  
installed and my enthusiasm and brains. I can afford the 10 bucks a month  
til now and would like to jump under the roof of a grass roots project.  
Details at

unfortunately I' m smoker, too and got mental health issues, but nothing  
serious ;-)

I wish Melvin a speedy recovery and the project all the best......

Matthias (ewingson)

Matthias Evering

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Received on Sunday, 11 October 2020 03:05:12 UTC