Re: monthly Solid phone conf

tl;dr: in/around Solid stuff. interested in interop..

I guess my story with RWW-LD/Solid end of things has its origins from my
past life working on the StatusNet project (circa 2008) - decentralised
status updates and federation... (see also TimBL's writings around in ). At some
point I've changed focus to research on statistical linked dataspaces up
until 2015.

As it turns out, I found myself right back on the "control yourself"
narrative when I joined the Solid project in 2015 at MIT. There was
synergy in my work/initiatives around LinkedResearch/dokieli and what
Solid was up to - Melvin was collaborating with Tim/Sandro already, and
recommended me to join their team as a visitor. So, time flies, and too
stubborn to give up on the challenges ;).. have been working in and
around Solid since then on different fronts.

I'm one of the editors of LDN: (became a W3C
REC in 2017 through the Social Web WG) - it was incubated in the Solid
project (we were trying to get one of many aspects of "social" going for
the platform and applications), and matured its way.

I'm particularly interested in:

* maturing other aspects of Solid as technical specifications
* shaping the server and applications (in particular what I'm working on )
* seeing better alignment with related work: Fedora spec (versioning in
particular), Memento, ActivityPub, WebAnnotation, and well RWW in general.
* contributing to (re)arrange society. yawn ;)


Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2019 19:57:05 UTC