Re: social-ISSUE-26 (as2profiles): Representing profiles in Activity Streams 2.0 [Activity Streams 2.0]

On 03/24/2015 05:57 PM, Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> social-ISSUE-26 (as2profiles): Representing profiles in Activity Streams 2.0 [Activity Streams 2.0]
> Raised by: James Snell
> On product: Activity Streams 2.0
> James notes that there's not a specific way to refer to a profile in AS 2.0.

I see it as part of *already open* ISSUE-17 (Online Identity)
Identity, Agent, Person, Persona, Account etc. need clarifications

PROPOSAL: closing this as duplicate of ISSUE-17 and creating more
granular ACTIONS  and associating them with existing ISSUE-17 which may
result in extending relevant wiki page(s) with various proposals. Like
one you referenced email.

Received on Sunday, 29 March 2015 16:02:33 UTC