from July 2014 by subject

[AS2] Separate Optional Attributes to Separate Doc?

Activity Streams 2.0 and Actions Drafts

AS2 links

Changing times for Social Web WG meeting?

Informal Social WG/IG meeting 16:00 EST - +1-617-761-6200 (SOCL) #social

Informal Social WG/IG meeting tomorrow

New Doodle [was Re: Changing times for Social Web WG meeting?]

R: AS2 links

R: Informal Social WG/IG meeting tomorrow

R: Social API: Scope

Second "informal" joint Social IG/WG meeting - August 5th 16:00 EST

Social API: Scope

Social Web Working Group launched, Press Release link

Social Web/IG Informal Meeting Minutes July 29th

Last message date: Thursday, 31 July 2014 21:41:09 UTC