Informal Social WG/IG meeting tomorrow


We'll be doing an informal teleconference tomorrow so people can
introduce each other and we can discuss our charter and mission for the
Social Web Working Group and Social Interest Group. Based on this
meeting, we'll determine a schedule for our official meetings.

Also, we'll explain what W3C Working Group and Interest Groups are, how
they work, how to join (including for people who don't work for W3C
members), and then discuss what we want to do with the Activity Streams
2.0 draft and our face-to-face meeting at TPAC in Santa Clara in October.

The call will use IRC and a teleconference.

13:00 Pacific (16:00 Eastern, 21:00 UK, 22:00 Europe)

#social on
Dial-in 1-617-761-6200
Calling code will be announced tomorrow (hopefully "SOCL" but not quite
sure if that works).

If you have not joined the Working Group and Interest Group, *please* join:

For the Working Group:

For the Interest Group:


Received on Monday, 28 July 2014 15:36:54 UTC