Data Shapes Working Group teleconference, Monday March 3rd
Call for Consensus : First Public Working Drafts of SHACL 1.2 Core and SHACL 1.2 SPARQL
Direct nesting of PropertyShapes inside each other
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Add Ashley as editor on SHACL-Sparql Extensions
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Update index.html
[data-shapes] Namespace of `ex:` in tests (#276)
[data-shapes] Make 'sh:class' a purely semantic condition (without seemingly unrelated syntactic strictures) (#275)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #222: New (better) definition of node expressions
[minutes] Feb 24th Data Shapes WG teleconference
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
Closed: [data-shapes] Add something similar to `dash:singleLine` (#177)
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Fix HTML errors
[data-shapes] errors in `shacl12-core/index.html` (#272)
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
Data Shapes Working Group teleconference, Monday Feb 24th
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
[data-shapes] Where should "Potential definition in SPARQL" go? (#271)
[data-shapes] publish `shacl-test` ontology (#270)
[data-shapes] tests should be deployed at a defined location and define BASE (#269)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #177: Added sh:singleLine
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #266: Clarified that sh:order can be xsd:decimal or xsd:integer
[data-shapes] Clarify that values of sh:order can be xsd:integer (#266)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #264: Deleted SHACL-JS terms
[data-shapes] Drop SHACL-JS terms from (#264)
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by afs
[data-shapes] Usefulness of validation reports (#263)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Fix respecConfig syntax
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #259: Removed full shacl-shacl TTL snippet, outsourced as a link
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #239: Added "different" to clarify that having the same prefix/ns com…
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
[data-shapes] Could we drop SHACL-for-SHACL (shsh) from the Core spec? (#259)
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #255 and #256: Core and SPARQL clean up - no more respec errors or warnings
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Update with link to agendas fork
[data-shapes] Clean up SHACL-Core respec (#256)
[data-shapes] Clean up SHACL-SPARQL 1.2 spec (#255)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #212: Added sh:ShapeClass
Closed: [data-shapes] Button "Hide SPARQL Definitions" in 1.6 Relationship between SHACL and SPARQL seems to be broken (#148)
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
Closed: [data-shapes] Typo in SHACL spec document (#103)
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by afs
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
[data-shapes] Milestones for scheduling? (#253)
[data-shapes] New label: Node Expressions (#252)
[data-shapes] Label deprecation: "Inferencing" (#251)
[data-shapes] Node Expression use case - NOT EXISTS (#250)
Data Shapes Working Group teleconference, Monday Feb 17th
Closed: [data-shapes] Incorrect Data Type for `sh:namespace` in SHACL Declaration (#208)
Closed: [data-shapes] SHACL vocabulary is inconsistent (#125)
Closed: [data-shapes] Ill-formed example for SPARQL-based Targets (#115)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #103: Fixed misspelled constraint component IRI
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #247: Starting point for SHACL 1.2 test suite
[data-shapes] Where to edit 1.2 Test Cases (#247)
[data-shapes] A SHACL OWL "profile" to aid ontologies mixing SHACL and OWL (#246)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #148: Removed use of jQuery and fixed the Hide/Show SPARQL buttons
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Copied most recent TTL files into the new shacl12-vocabularies folder with a comment that these are under development
[data-shapes] Add TTL files for the SHACL-related vocabularies (or decide to keep the existing ones) (#243)
[data-shapes] define sh:ReferenceShape, sh:SimpleShape to be able to limit validation effort (#242)
[data-shapes] should owl:import be enacted for the Data Graph? (#241)
[data-shapes] remove `owl:imports sh:` from examples (#240)
[data-shapes] syntax-rule-prefixes-duplicates should be more lenient (#239)
[data-shapes] RDF-star and SPARQL-star support for SHACL? (#238)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: shacl-node-expr, shacl-inf-rules
[minutes] Feb 10th Data Shapes WG teleconference
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by nicholascar
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Rename agenda-2025-02-10 to
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by afs
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by afs
Data Shapes Working Group teleconference, Monday Feb 10th
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by PapoutsoglouE
[data-shapes] Unlinking Core from SPARQL (#235)
[data-shapes] This was meant to be a starting point for core and sparql, and I see there are already several other change requests. To simplify the process, I have merged this into the main branch so that we have at least a starting point. I hope that's in the best interest of the WG so that everyone can make smaller PRs for individual edits such as the style clean up. (#234)
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by PapoutsoglouE
[data-shapes] Pull Request: #224: Use dated URLs of REC as suggested by Carine
[data-shapes] new commits pushed by HolgerKnublauch
Closed: [data-shapes] Shall the work on Inferencing start earlier? (#215)
[data-shapes] Treatment of `rdfs:subPropertyOf` like `rdfs:subClassOf` (#232)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Issue 230: Update description of `sh:pattern` behavior with IRI nodes
[data-shapes] sh:pattern does not allow testing IRIs (#230)
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Added editor details to shacl12-core
[data-shapes] IRI introspection (#228)
[data-shapes] Use rules to conveniently infer a tree of triples (#227)
library to convert shacl property paths to sparql property paths
[data-shapes] Pull Request: added @bergos as editor to shacl12-core
[data-shapes] Pull Request: Update SHACL-AF to current reSpec.
[data-shapes] What is the SHACL version this group is working to produce? (#224)
- Closed: [data-shapes] What is the SHACL version this group is working to produce? (#224)
- Closed: [data-shapes] What is the SHACL version this group is working to produce? (#224)