Re: Direct nesting of PropertyShapes inside each other

Hello Phil,

Maybe it would help to have a little extra annotation?  I’ll add and mark a few lines.

                a sh:NodeShape ;
                sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
                sh:property [   # _:b1
                                a sh:PropertyShape ;  # AJN: This type statement is not required, but I’ve found it helpful for “self-documenting” code.
                                sh:path ex:address ;
                                sh:minCount 1 ;
                                sh:property [ # can we use sh:property here instead of an intervening sh:node?  AJN: Yes, but might look odd.
                                                                a sh:PropertyShape ;  # AJN: Again, type is not required; sh:path IS required.
                                                                sh:path ex:postalCode;
                                                                sh:maxCount 1
] .  #AJN: Typo, second closing bracket needed.

This IS valid SHACL, and will get you what you want in terms of violation *counts*.  But, it might not get you what you want in terms of explainability of data issues.  Try running that shapes graph against this data graph:

# Conformant.
        a ex:Person ;
        ex:address [ ] ;

# Conformant.
        a ex:Person ;
        ex:address [
                ex:postalCode "12345" ;
        ] ;

# Non-conformant.
        a ex:Person ;
        ex:address [
                ex:postalCode "12345" ;
                ex:postalCode "54321" ;
        ] ;

Contrast that with this graph, which uses the “Intervening” / intermediary `sh:node` you’d considered as an alternative:

                a sh:NodeShape ;
                sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
                sh:property [   # _:b1
                                a sh:PropertyShape ;
                                sh:path ex:address ;
                                sh:minCount 1 ;
                                sh:node [
                                                a sh:NodeShape ;  # AJN: Again, type not necessary.
                                                sh:property [
                                                                a sh:PropertyShape ;
                                                                sh:path ex:postalCode ;
                                                                sh:maxCount 1 ;
                                                ] ;
                ] .

Have a look at which shape-spelling gives you the `sh:focusNode` that would help you remedy data issues, just from looking at `sh:ValidationResult`s.  You should be able to run all 3 of these snippets in one shape-and-data graph evaluating itself, and my understanding of `sh:property` on a `sh:PropertyShape` is that the focus node might not be the most helpful in locating the actual triple in some cases.  I engineered one such case with the example individuals.
My understanding of what should happen is that your original graph flags the blank node attached to `ex:person-3` as the `sh:focusNode` in the validation result, but doesn’t necessarily note `ex:person-3`; so, rectifying the data may take a SPARQL query to find the node if the literals aren’t distinct enough.

Likely what you want instead is a qualified shape, which works linking either a node shape or property shape:

                a sh:NodeShape ;
                sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
                sh:property [   # _:b1
                                a sh:PropertyShape ;
                                sh:path ex:address ;
                                sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ;
                                sh:qualifiedValueShape [
                                        a sh:NodeShape ;  # AJN: Again, type not necessary.
                                        sh:property [
                                                                a sh:PropertyShape ;  # AJN: Again, type not necessary.
                                                                sh:path ex:postalCode ;
                                                                sh:maxCount 1 ;
                                        ] ;
                                ] ;
                ] .

                a sh:NodeShape ;
                sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
                sh:property [   # _:b1
                                a sh:PropertyShape ;
                                sh:path ex:address ;
                                sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ;
                                sh:qualifiedValueShape [
                                        a sh:PropertyShape ;  # AJN: Again, type not necessary.
                                        sh:path ex:postalCode ;
                                        sh:maxCount 1 ;
                                ] ;
                ] .

I hope that helps.


From: Harvey, Philip <>
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 7:56 AM
To: <>
Subject: Direct nesting of PropertyShapes inside each other
I don’t fully understand SHACL’s semantics for nesting PropertyShapes and am hoping someone can clarify it for me.

There are some examples of nested properties in the spec, such as the Person/Address example in (pasted below).

Is it legal to nest PropertyShape’s directly, i.e. can I rewrite that Person/Address example as:

                a sh:NodeShape ;
                sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
                sh:property [   # _:b1
                                sh:path ex:address ;
                                sh:minCount 1 ;
                                sh:property [ # can we use sh:property here instead of an intervening sh:node?
                                                                sh:path ex:postalCode;
                                                                sh:maxCount 1
                                ] .

I assume this pattern is not legal, mainly because it never appears in the spec examples. The (non-normative) class diagram also suggests sh:property is only legal in NodeShapes (but shacl.ttl has gives sh:property a domain of sh:Shape, not NodeShape).

But perhaps more importantly I don’t understand at a conceptual level why this would not be allowed. I suspect this relates to how ‘value nodes’ are defined, but am not sure.


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