Andrea Perego via GitHub
- Re: [sdw] SDWBP: Issues with EPSG and OGC CRS registry (#1249)
- [sdw] SDWBP: Issues with EPSG and OGC CRS registry (#1249)
Beyza Yaman
Clara Boyd
Ed Parsons
Jan Hjelmager
Jeremy Tandy via GitHub
Joseph Abhayaratna via GitHub
- [sdw] new commits pushed by jabhay
- [sdw] Merged Pull Request: Correcting typos and minor edits to improve readability
- [sdw] Pull Request: Correcting typos and minor edits to improve readability
Krzysztof Janowicz
Linda van den Brink
- ATTENTION SDWIG meeting 1 hour earlier!
- RE: SDWIG meeting 22nd March
- SDWIG meeting 22nd March
- Today's meeting canceled
- Agenda for virtual meeting 4th March
Linda van den Brink via GitHub
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
Peter Parslow via GitHub
Rob Smith
Scott Simmons
- Re: Geo-fencing for responsible use of spatial data from vehicles
- Re: Agenda for virtual meeting 4th March
Scott Simmons via GitHub
Tandy, Jeremy
Ted Guild
- Re: Geo-fencing for responsible use of spatial data from vehicles
- Geo-fencing for responsible use of spatial data from vehicles
- Re: Agenda for virtual meeting 4th March
- Re: Agenda for virtual meeting 4th March