[Minutes] Plenary call - 2018-02-08

Hi all,

The minutes of today's plenary call are available at:
... and copied as raw text below.

The group discussed:
- Status updates of subgroups
- The Video Geotagging for Electronic Maps idea raised on the mailing-list (Rob presented the idea)
- The F2F meeting's logistic and agenda

Please register to the F2F meeting as soon as possible through the following form (please fill out the form even if you cannot come):


Spatial Data on the Web IG - Plenary Call
07 February 2018

   [2]Agenda [3]IRC log

      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdwig/2018Feb/0003.html
      [3] https://www.w3.org/2018/02/07-sdw-irc


          Bill Roberts, Chris Little, Francois Daoust, Linda van
          den Brink, Rob Smith, Michael Gordon

          Andrea Perego, Jeremy Tandy, Scott Simmons




     * [4]Meeting Minutes
         1. [5]Approving past minutes
         2. [6]Status update of subgroups (Stats, BP)
         3. [7]Video Geotagging Protocol For Electronic Maps
         4. [8]F2F meeting

Meeting Minutes

  Approving past minutes

   <brinkwoman> [9]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/

      [9] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdwig/2018Jan/0002.html

   <brinkwoman> +1

   <MichaelGordon> +1

   <tidoust> +1

   <ChrisLittle> +0 minutes, not present

   <billroberts> +1

   Minutes approved

  Status update of subgroups (Stats, BP)

   Linda: On top of updates, Will you have a telco before the next

   MichaelGordon: In the last meeting, we started to look at
   activities we could have to encourage adoption of the best
   … I took on the task of restructuring the pages on GitHub into
   domain specific areas where we might want to have an impact.
   … [Michael going through a long tunnel without audio

   billroberts: Switching to stats while Michael sorts out his
   audio issues, we had a call 2 weeks ago where we discussed our
   use case document, and reviewed the document Andrea had
   … Some discussion about other groups that are doing things on
   statistics data
   … The special angle that we're doing is on the Web part, but we
   need to pay attention to what others are doing as well.
   … Quite a bit of work, but we need to make sure that we have an
   exhaustive enough list.
   … There won't be another call before the F2F, but we'd like to
   spend some time at the F2F about that.

   MichaelGordon: [switched phone]. Back to the SDW Best
   Practices. Publishing area domain might be interesting. To be
   discussed how people can take on some of these domains. How we
   could work with Denise at OGC to craft some messaging with a
   domain flavour.
   … We'd like some consistent theme but with some specifics.
   … Good piece of work to tackle at the F2F.
   … There is not a plan for another telecon before the F2F.

   Linda: Thanks. No news on Moving Objects. I saw some activity
   related to SSN on GitHub

   Francois: Some errata were found by an external reviewer, which
   led Maxime to find additional errata. To be discussed and
   approved by the group.

   ChrisLittle: Some activity from Simon. Need to review it and
   make sure I get what he proposes.

  Video Geotagging Protocol For Electronic Maps

   See [10]Video Geotagging For Electronic Maps slides

     [10] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdwig/2018Feb/att-0030/WebVMTIntroShort180207.pdf

   Rob_Smith: From Away Team. I've been developing an idea for
   video geotagging. Starts from work with Ordnance Survey last
   year where they wanted to track position in a show.
   … The thing I discovered is that there does not appear to exist
   any standard for that currently.
   … Different vendors take different approaches, including
   embedding geolocation at the frame or metadata level.
   … It's not very accessible. Also expensive to get an add-on
   (only for high-end equipment) to have a GPS with your camera.
   … Now, there is an emerging market in "mobile video devices"
   … How can that need be addressed and what are the issues?
   … There are many ways to record geolocation. How to associate
   it with video is more problematic.
   … WebVTT support provides a hint to a possible solution. It's
   text-based, easy to author, accessible.
   … The file can be distributed with the video.
   … You could present geolocation data on Google Maps for
   instance. Camera track on a map.
   … Further value can be added by framing the map. You could
   annotate it to draw the user's attention to a particular
   … I cornered it down to zooming, panning, and a few additional
   … This provides cross-platform support instantaneously, and you
   don't need expensive equipment. A smartphone is enough for
   capture, and a web browser display is enough for rendering
   … Looking at use cases:
   … Coastguard/Mountain Rescue: you've got a drone searching for
   someone in a difficult to reach area. The remote operator can
   see the video, see the location on a map, and can zoom out to
   identify the right approach route to the person.
   … Area Survey: Drone with a detector surveying of a given area.
   The operator can check its work. You can fill in the area. You
   have improved quality insurance. No need to go to the office to
   analyze the footage.
   … Sports Trails: user with a helmet camera, traveling however
   they want. They can concentrate on their activity.
   … Speed and distance calculation can be tricky, but with this,
   it would already be built-in.
   … TV Coverage: the most complex one. Cameras on drones and
   competitors. Example of a car rally. You have multiple media
   devices. The director can see all of them on a map, and it can
   redeploy them live. It becomes an asset management system.
   … This concludes my presentation.

   ChrisLittle: Thank for acknowledging SMIL/SVG on the
   mailing-list. Have you thought about contacting Christine Perey
   who is involved on Augmented Reality scenarios.
   … It may be an area to interface to, even if it does not change
   your idea.
   … The other connection is inside OGC is the Drone working group
   that just started. Their first deliverable is mission planning.
   … It may be your use case would be useful for them.
   … You may get some volunteers to help you.

   Linda: Of course, in this group, we have a subgroup that will
   be looking at moving objects, so I see somewhat of an overlap
   there. They have not been active yet, though.

   Rob_Smith: Just to give you a little bit of information as to
   where I am, I worked on a tech demo that proves things work in
   the browser.
   … I've worked on spatial in the past, also development for EA
   and Nokia.

   Linda: The text format that you are using to store the data, is
   that something like GPX?

   Rob_Smith: It's a hybrid. The tech demo uses the WebVTT block
   structure, with a little bit of formatting at the start. It has
   cue times.
   … I copied that structure. I replaced the text that they used
   with a new markup language.
   … Thanks to Chris for the SMIL reference, I re-shaped the
   animation syntax to be more SMIL-like.
   … I'm looking to keeping it as lightweight as possible.

   ChrisLittle: You may want to steal more ideas from an OGC
   standard to embed positions in text messages, which is of
   course not very long.

   Rob_Smith: Sounds like a good suggestion. Can you send me a

   ChrisLittle: Will do.

   Francois: Media people tend to like to embed tracks within
   media containers. To keep in mind. Also, what usually helps in
   standardization groups is to sketch some sort of draft spec to
   drive discussions. Are you planning to do that?

   Rob_Smith: Yes, I started to draft something for my own sanity.

   <ChrisLittle> GeoSMS OGC standard for Rob Smith [11]http://

     [11] http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/opengeosms

  F2F meeting

   Linda: A few things. First, [12]please register or fill the
   form to say that you are not coming. It's important for us to
   have this information to finalize the meeting details.

     [12] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/102593/sdwig-f2F-2018-q1/

   Linda: The [13]logistics of the meetings should be simple
   … I can take questions now if things are unclear.

     [13] https://w3c.github.io/sdw/meetings/f2f-1.html

   ChrisLittle: When do we think that the agenda will finish on
   Tuesday? Want to know whether I can schedule a return trip on

   Linda: A bit more than 30mn away from Schipol airport
   … It all depends on people, I live there :)

   ChrisLittle: 4-5pm would work for me to get back home before

   Linda: No problem on my side to stop at 4-5pm

   [Ice skating logistics are being discussed]

   Rough idea would be to start on Monday at 10:00am and end on
   Tuesday at 4-5pm.

   Linda: Note I'll be there at 8 on Monday, feel free to come

   Linda: We'll organize a dinner on Monday night.

   <ChrisLittle> +1 to dinner

   <ChrisLittle> +1 to beer

   Linda: Agenda-wise, I want to give subgroups enough time. Any
   preference for slots?

   billroberts: We have several Australian who are not coming to
   the meeting but are willing to join on WebEx for the
   … A Tuesday morning session on stats would be good from an
   Australian perspective.
   … From 9:00 to 10:00am on Tuesday should be not too anti-social
   for them.
   … We can make use of more time after that.

   Linda: OK. Michael, do you have any preference?

   MichaelGordon: 10:00am on a Monday would be a good slot, but a
   slot on Monday afternoon would be good, actually.

   Linda: I'll check with folks involved in moving objects to see
   if they need time.
   … Should we talk about SSN?

   Francois: If people are around, yes, in particular because
   Simon is proposing updates that go beyond errata, so future of
   the spec needs to be discussed.

   Linda: OK, if they are around.

   Linda: Quick overviews of activities that are on-going at OGC
   and W3C would be good. Should not be long.
   … We could also discuss CityJSON, which could be a good
   candidate topic for joint OGC/W3C work. I can get the creator
   to join if needed.

   billroberts: What can our group do to assist with that process?
   … I don't quite understand how it works.

   ChrisLittle: One of the functions of the IG would be to triage
   which activities would need to be done at OGC, W3C, IETF, etc.
   and see where this all goes

   Linda: That's something we could discuss at the F2F. How we do
   this triage process.

   Francois: agree with Chris. Also +1 on discussing CityJSON.

   Francois: I would also suggest a session to discuss other
   topics, either those that have already been raised such as
   MapML, or the presentation Rob made, as well as other topics
   that could come to mind to assess reactions in the room. I
   might come up with a few use cases that do not touch on topics
   already raised for instance.

   <MichaelGordon> +1

   <Rob_Smith> +1

   Linda: OK, will add the meta discussion on triage process, and
   a session on topics to triage to the agenda.

   Rob_Smith: Happy to prepare a draft spec by the F2F if that can
   help with the triage operation.

   Linda: Can you attend the meeting or join WebEx?

   Rob_Smith: Either is possible. Let's discuss offline.

   Linda: Thanks. See you all at the F2F.

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2018 21:24:21 UTC