Re: [w3c/sdw] changed any mention of owl:inverseOf into schema:inverseOf (#546)


Le mer. 8 févr. 2017 à 17:46, kjano <> a écrit :

> "owl:inverseOf is replaced by schema:inverseOf everywhere."
> This is not what we agreed on months ago. Let us not reopen each and every
> decision that this group made before. @dr-shorthair
> <> @arminhaller
> <>

>From what I can tell, I see no trace of any official vote in the archive,
just some book keeping ;-)

and ISSUE-72 is still open.

If anyways one of these wasn't true, the chair MAY reopen the decision as I
present additional technical information. See the W3C Process Document

In the meantime, I think it's worth thinking about the coherence of SOSA on
this point:
Additionally, I really think sosa has more chances to be integrated into if every mention of owl:inverseOf is replaced by schema:inverseOf



Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2017 17:01:36 UTC