[Minutes SSN] Call 2017-04-18


The minutes of last SSN call are available at:


... and copied as raw text below. Actions were recorded to track editorial improvements to the SSN document.


Spatial Data on the Web SSN Sub Group Teleconference
18 Apr 2017


      [2] https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:SSN-Telecon20170418

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/04/18-sdwssn-irc


          RaulGarciaCastro, Maxime (mlefranc), KJanowic,
          DanhLePhuoc, Armin (ahaller2), SimonCox

          Francois, Scott




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Patent Call
         2. [6]Check Status of ED at http://w3c.github.io/sdw/ssn/
            prior to final WD for review
     * [7]Summary of Action Items
     * [8]Summary of Resolutions


      [9] https://github.com/w3c/sdw/blob/gh-pages/ssn/integrated/proposed-server-specification.md

   Francois explaining that multiple serializations of the RDF
   artefact are required

   scribe: to support content negotiation
   ... also content disposition

   <ahaller2> Approving last meeting's minutes

     [10] https://www.w3.org/2017/04/11-sdwssn-minutes

   <ahaller2> +1

   <RaulGarciaCastro> 0 (wasn’t there)

   <mlefranc> +1


   <KJanowic> +1

   <DanhLePhuoc> +12

   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <ahaller2> Approving last meeting's minutes

     [11] https://www.w3.org/2017/04/12-sdwssn-minutes

   <KJanowic> +1


   <RaulGarciaCastro> 0 (same reason)

   <ahaller2> +1

   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <mlefranc> +1

Patent Call [12]https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call

     [12] https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call

Check Status of ED at [13]http://w3c.github.io/sdw/ssn/ prior to
final WD for review

     [13] http://w3c.github.io/sdw/ssn/

   <KJanowic> nearly ready, I would say

   <KJanowic> IMHO, there are some last tasks left that I hope we
   can discuss today

   ahaller2: thanking KJanowic mlefranc DanhLePhuoc SimonCox for
   work since last weekend
   ... there will be a vote in plenary tomorrow

   KJanowic: 5,6 things to make document homogeneous
   ... editor list
   ... move ahaller2 to first position in list
   ... how to do this uncontroversially?

   SimonCox: need to do this openly
   ... phila said the editor list is up to group to decide

   ahaller2: add mlefranc and SimonCox to list of editors

   mlefranc: keep Kerry as first editor, to acknowledge
   ... what position for ahaller2 ?

   KJanowic: ahaller2 contribution is greatest

   <ahaller2> [14]https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/

     [14] https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/

   ahaller2: explicitly alphabetical ordering of editors?

   KJanowic: in prov-o alphebetical was for contributors, not

   DanhLePhuoc: leadership from ahaller2 makes him clear first

   Proposed: add mlefranc and SimonCox to list of editors

   <ahaller2> PROPOSED: SimonCox to become editor of the WD

   <KJanowic> +1

   <RaulGarciaCastro> +1

   <ahaller2> +1

   <mlefranc> +1

   <DanhLePhuoc> +1


   Thank you

   RESOLUTION: SimonCox to become editor of the WD

   <ahaller2> PROPOSED: mlefranc to become editor of the WD

   <KJanowic> +1

   <ahaller2> +1

   <RaulGarciaCastro> +1


   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <mlefranc> 0

   <mlefranc> thanks a lot

   RESOLUTION: mlefranc to become editor of the WD

   <KJanowic> PROPOSED: ahaller2 is the first editor of the WD

   <KJanowic> +1

   I would propose ahaller2 first, then alpha?


   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <ahaller2> 0

   <mlefranc> first or second depending on what kerry says

   <RaulGarciaCastro> 0 (without asking first)

   <mlefranc> +1

   (though of course that favours me)

   RESOLUTION: ahaller2 is the first editor of the WD

   KJanowic: polish text
   ... UpperCaseSingular for class name

   <RaulGarciaCastro> Agree with KJanowic, now it is mixed

   --- lower case (plural?) in text

   scribe: e.g Observation vs "... observations ..."

   <mlefranc> there can be <a
   href="#SOSAObservation"><code>Observation</code></a>s ?

   scribe: no upper case in plain text - no class names in plain
   text description _unless_ the class is being specifically
   referred to
   ... in both RDF and document

   <mlefranc> example in 4. This section introduces the
   specifications for SOSA and SSN. To ease readability, the
   following figures provide an overview over the (SOSA) core
   classes and properties that are specifically related to
   modeling Observations, Actuations, and Sampling.

   KJanowic: still needs cleaning up in document

   <mlefranc> Observations, Actuations, and Sampling. would be
   ----> observations, actuations, and Samplings ?

   <ahaller2> ACTION: KJanowic to check consistency on the use of
   terms in the ontology to be used in the text section [recorded

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-322 - Check consistency on the use of
   terms in the ontology to be used in the text section [on
   Krzysztof Janowicz - due 2017-04-25].

   KJanowic: figures have different styles

   <mlefranc> good to put it in the caption :-)

   <ahaller2> +1 for caption

   KJanowic: figures need to be made more consistent

   SimonCox: fiures were prepared over long period, definitely not
   consistent -

   <ahaller2> ACTION: SimonCox to update figures to make them
   consistent and add caption [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-323 - Update figures to make them
   consistent and add caption [on Simon Cox - due 2017-04-25].

   SimonCox: add a note to the document that we will improve

   <ahaller2> ACTION: ahaller2 to add note to the document to
   indicated that graphs will still be updated [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-324 - Add note to the document to
   indicated that graphs will still be updated [on Armin Haller -
   due 2017-04-25].

   RaulGarciaCastro: lack of figures in SOSA/SSN part
   ... need more to make it comprehensible 'at a glance'


     [18] https://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/XGR-ssn-20110628/#Ontology_structure

   RaulGarciaCastro: volunteer to contribute figures (not using

   <mlefranc> @ahaller2, which one would be a REC .

   <mlefranc> ?

   ahaller2: kerry had suggested an adidtional document - 'Primer'
   - with more figures?
   ... also examples need to be added

   <ahaller2> ACTION: RaulGarciaCastro to add ontology graphs
   using similar style as in SSNX work [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-325 - Add ontology graphs using
   similar style as in ssnx work [on Raúl García Castro - due


     [20] https://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/XGR-ssn-20110628/images/OntStructure-Overview.jpg

   ahaller2: particularly for grouping components

   <mlefranc> talking about

     [21] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2017Apr/0208.html

   mlefranc: wants to completely re-organize groupings again!

   ahaller2: ordering of document vs ordering within RDF graph
   ... don't need to be the same

   <RaulGarciaCastro> That would be the best scenario

   mlefranc: who is the target? users or who ?

   SimonCox: different audiences need differnet documents
   ... primer will n ot get done in this round
   ... also need a slim document for schema.org

   ahaller2: raise in meeting tomorrow - figures, # documents,
   primer, audiences

   DanhLePhuoc: schema.org already talking about IOT - no
   reference to this project

   ahaller2: danbri is already aware and interested
   ... ... intention is for SOSA to be proposed to schema.org
   ... SOSA currently hidden in complex document

   KJanowic: [Hide SSN terms] button on every term - too noisy for
   SOSA readers
   ... don't need them everywhere
   ... two shades of blue - too subtle
   ... for SOSA vs SSN
   ... make it easire on wide review audience

   <mlefranc> would be glad to have two very different colours,
   what would they be ? :-)

   KJanowic: homogenize lc vs UC in headings
   ... procedure executors etc - structuring principle , but not
   in ontology - noisy

   <KJanowic> That would be great

   <KJanowic> Keep in midn that we have worked on that for a year.
   Everybody else has not

   maybe remove dotted box?

   ahaller2: colouring

   mlefranc: CSS is nightmare

   ahaller2: colours are useful, but nowhere explained!
   ... and need to be more distinguishable

   mlefranc: should be consistent - light-blue SOSA, dark-blue SSN

   <mlefranc> check for "border" in the css

   <ahaller2> ACTION: KJanowic to change colours to be more
   distinguishable and potentially remove the dotted line around
   the buttons and potentially the black lines around the boxes
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to
   Tracker. Please mail <sysreq@w3.org> with details about what

   <ahaller2> ACTION: KJanowic to change colours to be more
   distinguishable and potentially remove the dotted line around
   the buttons and potentially the black lines around the boxes
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to
   Tracker. Please mail <sysreq@w3.org> with details about what

   'Hide additional SSN axioms'

   <ahaller2> ACTION: KJanowic to rename boxes to "Hide additional
   SSN Axioms" and "Show additional SSN Axioms" [recorded in

   <trackbot> Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to
   Tracker. Please mail <sysreq@w3.org> with details about what

   <ahaller2> ACTION: KJanowic to check upper case in titles to be
   consistent [recorded in

   <trackbot> Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to
   Tracker. Please mail <sysreq@w3.org> with details about what

   mlefranc: proposing to re-organize document to group terms by
   Observation, Actuation, Sampling, Common classes (e.g. FoI)


     [26] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2017Apr/0208.html

   <KJanowic> I agree

   RaulGarciaCastro: try to move SOSA terms to top, SSN at bottom
   ... within each section

   <mlefranc> please answer to the mail and propose on another
   ordering and grouping, I will just implement them

   <mlefranc> ok

   visual appearance within document vs. ToC needs to be clear

   KJanowic: move 7. 8. 9. 10. into one big group

   mlefranc: Features section at the top to introduce before

   <KJanowic> 1. Observations 2. Actuation, 3. Sampling, 4 FOI, 5.
   5. Systems,

   <KJanowic> sorry

   <KJanowic> 1. Observations 2. Actuation, 3. Sampling, 4 FOI, 5.
   Procedure , 6. Systems, and then the rest

   ahaller2: Raul's boxes that will provide grouping on other

   <ahaller2> ACTION: mlefranc to reorder Terms in the Spec
   section according to his email and the changes proposed in the
   meeting, i.e. Observation, Actuation, Sampling, FoI etc. in 10
   hours from this call [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-326 - Reorder terms in the spec
   section according to his email and the changes proposed in the
   meeting, i.e. observation, actuation, sampling, foi etc. in 10
   hours from this call [on Maxime Lefrançois - due 2017-04-25].

   <scribe> ACTION: KJanowic to check upper case in titles to be
   consistent [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-327 - Check upper case in titles to
   be consistent [on Krzysztof Janowicz - due 2017-04-25].

   <KJanowic> I can do so

   <scribe> ACTION: KJanowic to rename boxes to "Hide additional
   SSN Axioms" and "Show additional SSN Axioms" [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-328 - Rename boxes to "hide
   additional ssn axioms" and "show additional ssn axioms" [on
   Krzysztof Janowicz - due 2017-04-25].

   <KJanowic> No, I am fine. Sorry again

   <scribe> ACTION: KJanowic to change colours to be more
   distinguishable and potentially remove the dotted line around
   the buttons and potentially the black lines around the boxes
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-329 - Change colours to be more
   distinguishable and potentially remove the dotted line around
   the buttons and potentially the black lines around the boxes
   [on Krzysztof Janowicz - due 2017-04-25].

   [repeating actions now Tracker is working again]

   <KJanowic> Does this mean we introduced functional property
   axioms into SOSA?

   SimonCox: just checking use of functional property on hasSample

   KJanowic: no functional property axoims in SOSA - only in SSN

   mlefranc: do we need hasResultingSample? only need hasResult?

   SimonCox: this is difficult in context of SOSA - need to say
   that the result of an act of sampling is only a Sample

   <KJanowic> Let us not do such big changes now, I am already
   confused that we did so many other changes without having any

   in SOSA we can only say this with the specialized property

   in SSN we say that this is a sub-property of hasResult, but
   this relationship is not available to SOSA :-(

   <KJanowic> Btw, I removed the css button borders, reload the

   +1 KJanowic

   <KJanowic> Let us not do such big changes now, I am already
   confused that we did so many other changes without having any

   Can you also remove border around blue boxes? KJanowic


     [31] http://www.darkhorseanalytics.com/blog/data-looks-better-naked

   KJanowic: need to more circumspect about introduction of new
   axioms without discussion

   (some of us recall term-by-term discussions earlier - shouldn't
   be cavalier now!)

   danger danger

   DanhLePhuoc: Figure 1 - SSNX alignment also imports DUL
   alignment modeul


     [32] https://github.com/w3c/sdw/blob/gh-pages/ssn/integrated/ssnx.ttl

   <ahaller2> ACTION: ahaller2 to include arrow from SSNX to Dulce
   in Figure 1 [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-330 - Include arrow from ssnx to
   dulce in figure 1 [on Armin Haller - due 2017-04-25].

   DanhLePhuoc: does SSNX alignment import old SSN?

   <mlefranc> rename "SSNX Alignment Module" into "old SSN
   ontology that is importing DUL" ?

   <DanhLePhuoc> rdfs:seeAlso
   <[34]http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/> ; owl:imports ssn:
   ; owl:imports
   <[35]http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl> ;
   owl:imports <[36]https://www.w3.org/ns/ssn-dul/> .

     [34] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/
     [35] http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl
     [36] https://www.w3.org/ns/ssn-dul/

   DanhLePhuoc: in the RDF file - no import of incubator SSNX

   <DanhLePhuoc> ssnx.ttl

   ahaller2: no external ontologies in figure

   <KJanowic> Should we have the vote now?

   SimonCox: concerned that PROV alignment module never
   discussed/approved in group meeting

   <ahaller2> PROPOSED: PROV Ontology Alignment to include as a
   non-normative part in the WD

   <KJanowic> +1


   <mlefranc> +1

   <RaulGarciaCastro> 0

   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <ahaller2> +1

   RESOLUTION: PROV Ontology Alignment to include as a
   non-normative part in the WD

   I think we missed this ACTION:

   <scribe> ACTION: ahaller2 to discuss with Kerry if she wishes
   to remain on list of editors [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-331 - Discuss with kerry if she
   wishes to remain on list of editors [on Armin Haller - due

   <RaulGarciaCastro> I think that the question was not about
   removing Kerry from the list

   <RaulGarciaCastro> Just asking her about the order

   Can DanhLePhuoc add necessary <imports> in SSNX alignment

   <KJanowic> I am confused

   <KJanowic> and keep in mind that we need others to understand
   this (not just us)

   we had alignment of old to new SSN

   but intention is to replace old ontology file with a resource
   that redirects through to the new SSN

   'SSNX alignment module' is actually a complete representation
   of SSNX

   we are not keep provenance clear -

   <KJanowic> a bit

   confusion between replacement & alignment

   need to be careful

   [*5 minutes left guys*]

   DanhLePhuoc: can't merge DUL alignments because of major change
   to position of :Observation

   <KJanowic> I understand this but we started to do substantial
   changes over the last days without much checks and discussions

   mlefranc: SSNX alignment should just <imports> old ontology
   ... but this would introduce incorrect DUL alignment

   ahaller2: need to do SSNX replacement knitting after review
   ... SSNX alignment needs its own namespace

   mlefranc: Deployment - was aligned with dul:Process, now
   aligned with dul:Situation

   <KJanowic> This is something that we should not discuss with
   seconds left on the clock

   <DanhLePhuoc> agree with Simon

   <KJanowic> nobody noticed and this is the problem

   SimonCox: can't debate DUL issues now - in non-normative part
   only, only important for a small subset of audience

   <mlefranc> ok, good, just wanted you to be aware of my

   ahaller2: park DUL issues for now
   ... any concerns around normative parts


   <ahaller2> ACTION: Ahaller to adjust editor list [recorded in

   <trackbot> Error finding 'Ahaller'. You can review and register
   nicknames at <[39]http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/users>.

     [39] http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/users

   <ahaller2> ACTION: Ahaller2 to adjust editor list [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-332 - Adjust editor list [on Armin
   Haller - due 2017-04-25].

   <RaulGarciaCastro> Bye!

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Ahaller to adjust editor list [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: ahaller2 to add note to the document to indicated
   that graphs will still be updated [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Ahaller2 to adjust editor list [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: ahaller2 to discuss with Kerry if she wishes to
   remain on list of editors [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: ahaller2 to include arrow from SSNX to Dulce in
   Figure 1 [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: KJanowic to change colours to be more
   distinguishable and potentially remove the dotted line around
   the buttons and potentially the black lines around the boxes
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: KJanowic to change colours to be more
   distinguishable and potentially remove the dotted line around
   the buttons and potentially the black lines around the boxes
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: KJanowic to change colours to be more
   distinguishable and potentially remove the dotted line around
   the buttons and potentially the black lines around the boxes
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: KJanowic to check consistency on the use of terms
   in the ontology to be used in the text section [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: KJanowic to check upper case in titles to be
   consistent [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: KJanowic to check upper case in titles to be
   consistent [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: KJanowic to rename boxes to "Hide additional SSN
   Axioms" and "Show additional SSN Axioms" [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: KJanowic to rename boxes to "Hide additional SSN
   Axioms" and "Show additional SSN Axioms" [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: mlefranc to reorder Terms in the Spec section
   according to his email and the changes proposed in the meeting,
   i.e. Observation, Actuation, Sampling, FoI etc. in 10 hours
   from this call [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: RaulGarciaCastro to add ontology graphs using
   similar style as in SSNX work [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: SimonCox to update figures to make them
   consistent and add caption [recorded in

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [57]SimonCox to become editor of the WD
    2. [58]mlefranc to become editor of the WD
    3. [59]ahaller2 is the first editor of the WD
    4. [60]PROV Ontology Alignment to include as a non-normative
       part in the WD

   [End of minutes]

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2017 07:22:10 UTC