- From: Maxime Lefrançois <maxime.lefrancois@emse.fr>
- Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 02:13:54 +0000
- To: SDW WG Public List <public-sdw-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CALsPASUNmP+AfS4-r25+Oe1FeqMOQuCHOgecPkBVqnvaT4a4hA@mail.gmail.com>
Dear all, Wiki page https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Terms describes the grouping and ordering of SOSA and SSN terms in the specification. Having it that way was useful to ensure consistency during the last edits, however in the spec I think that we should consider grouping terms in such a way that they could be pictured easily in diagrams. What would you think of these main sections and order of terms? I tried to use some kind of "depth first search algorithm" to introduce them progressively. 1. Features of Interest and Properties sosa:FeatureOfInterest ssn:Property ssn:hasProperty ssn:isPropertyOf ssn:forProperty 2. Procedures, their execution, things that make those executions sosa:Procedure ssn:hasInput ssn:Input ssn:hasOutput ssn:Output sosa:Result sosa:hasResult sosa:isResultOf sosa:hasSimpleResult sosa:resultTime ssn:implements ssn:implementedBy sosa:usedProcedure sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf 3. Observations sosa:ObservableProperty ssn:Stimulus ssn:isProxyFor sosa:Observation sosa:observedProperty ssn:wasOriginatedBy sosa:phenomenonTime ssn:qualityOfObservation sosa:Sensor sosa:observes sosa:isObservedBy ssn:detects sosa:madeObservation sosa:madeBySensor 4. Actuation sosa:ActuatableProperty sosa:Actuation sosa:actsOnProperty sosa:isActedOnBy sosa:Actuator sosa:madeActuation sosa:actuationMadeBy 5. Sampling sosa:Sample sosa:hasSample sosa:isSampleOf sosa:Sampling sosa:madeSampling sosa:madeBySampler sosa:Sampler sosa:hasResultingSample sosa:isSamplingResultOf 6. Systems and their deployment ssn:System sosa:Platform sosa:hosts sosa:isHostedBy ssn:Deployment ssn:deployedSystem ssn:hasDeployment ssn:deployedOnPlatform ssn:inDeployment 7. Conditions ssn:inCondition ssn:Condition 8. System Capabilities ssn:hasSystemCapability ssn:SystemCapability ssn:hasSystemProperty ssn:SystemProperty ssn:MeasurementRange ssn:ActuationRange ssn:Accuracy ssn:DetectionLimit ssn:Drift ssn:Frequency ssn:Latency ssn:Precision ssn:Resolution ssn:Repeatability ssn:ResponseTime ssn:Selectivity ssn:Sensitivity 9. Operating Ranges ssn:hasOperatingRange ssn:OperatingRange ssn:hasOperatingProperty ssn:OperatingProperty ssn:MaintenanceSchedule ssn:OperatingPowerRange 10. Survival Ranges ssn:hasSurvivalRange ssn:SurvivalRange ssn:hasSurvivalProperty ssn:SurvivalProperty ssn:SystemLifetime ssn:BatteryLifetime Best, Maxime
Received on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 02:14:41 UTC