RE: SSN - term-by-term integration is finished

A few issues:

1.     In O&M resultTime is required. Since observation/actuation/sampling is now conceived of as an act or event, then it has a finish (and start time) by definition. I suggest that the cardinality constraint on sosa:resultTime should be ‘exactly 1’. (OWA means that it may be missing in a particular representation, but semantically it is known to exist.)

2.     Similar for phenomenonTime for Observations at least.

3.     Similar for hasResult – each of these acts is pointless without a result – I think we should indicate this with a ‘min 1’ restriction.

4.     Entailment of ‘min 0’ is a little unclear anyway, since that is the default cardinality. If you want to note that a property is associated with a class, better use a constraint like
     sosa:resultTime only xsd:dateTime
     sosa:Observation  rdfs:subClassOf [
         a owl:Restriction ;
         owl:allValuesFrom xsd:dateTime ;
         owl:onProperty sosa:resultTime ; ] .

5.     Sampler needs to also be a subclass of

a.     ssn:System

b.     ssn:implements some sosa:Procedure

6.  Only one of these two restrictions on sosa:Procedure should be present:
      ssn:hasOutput only ssn:Output
   ssn:hasOutput some ssn:Output
Which one?

7.  Some combination of the following is required to bring sosa:Sampling into consistency:

a.  sosa:hasResultingSample rdfs:subPropertyOf sosa:hasResult

b.  sosa:hasResultingSample rdfs:range sosa:Sample

c.  sosa:Sample rdfs:subClassOf sosa:Result

8.  I’m generally pretty comfortable with global rdfs:range constraints on properties. Did we decide to not use them at all? It would halve the number of local restrictions/constraints on the classes.

I could implement some of these in a branch, but it all got bollixed up yesterday when I was trying to issue pull-request the same time as you other guys were editing, so you get them in an email today instead.


From: Maxime Lefrançois []
Sent: Saturday, 15 April, 2017 04:59
To: SDW WG Public List <>
Subject: SSN - term-by-term integration is finished

Dear all,

Term-by-term integration is finalized, and a pull request has been issued:

Ontologies in the integrated folder have nearly the same content as the ontologies in the 'rdf' and 'ssn_separated' folders, except for:
 - dc:source which I didn't kept in the integrated folder (but can be added)
 - terms are organized in modules and introduced in the same order as in

I have checked programmatically:
 - The syntax of the ontologies
 - There is no more mistake in sosa vs ssn prefixes (there were a few),
 - The ontologies are in OWL DL.

Last step will be to add some local restrictions to formalize the "domainIncludes" and "rangeIncludes" annotations

We can delete rdf/sosa.ttl and ssn_separated/ssn.ttl now, as the documents in the integrated folder are a lot easier to read (terms are introduced as in, more consistent in terms of metadata (ssn only), have more ontology metadata, and less unused annotation properties.


Received on Saturday, 15 April 2017 09:19:45 UTC