Re: Difference between W3C Basic Geo "spatial thing" and sdwgeo "spatial thing"

I'm not sure when the RDFIG/SWIG basic geo SpatialThing vocabulary started
to be taken so seriously! and
were just a bunch of us from the W3C RDF IG / Semweb IG collaborating in a
few IRC chats, as a result of our having noticed that a lot of us had made
up similar-looking RDF schemas that defined lat/long-related properties.
The main lesson from that exercise was that people will adopt something and
assume it has had careful review, merely because it is on It took
quite a while (~3 years!) before someone noticed that we defined an 'alt'
property without saying what it means. Please don't tie yourself in knots
trying to coordinate with it; instead consider any modest improvements we
could make to its documentation (including pointers to later work from this
group or elsewhere).


Received on Thursday, 1 September 2016 22:07:00 UTC