Re: [WebIDL] Remove ArrayClass?

Le 19/07/2014 18:01, Boris Zbarsky a écrit :
> On 7/19/14, 9:23 AM, Dirk Schulze wrote:
>> Maybe this is enough and just needs to be evangelist?
> Enough for what?  I mean, it's possible to write:
>   Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("whatever")).map(someFunc)
> today in Firefox, but no other browser seems to support it so far.
Easily polyfilled, though

ES6 also has nice syntax to make an array:
(but that's syntax, so hard to polyfill, requires a transpiler of sort)

> It's possible to do:
>   Array.prototype.slice.
>         call(document.querySelectorAll("whatever")).map(someFunc)
> in all browsers, but the first reaction people have when they see that 
> is "WAT?".  Can't say I blame them.  With ArrayClass that becomes:
>   document.querySelectorAll("whatever").map(someFunc)
> which is what people want out of this stuff anyway.
Another option, which is the one I'll be using increasingly, is to do
     HTMLCollection.prototype._map =
then, one can do:

Close enough as far as I'm concerned and hopefully not stepping on 
future standards toes.


Received on Saturday, 19 July 2014 23:05:38 UTC