OWL object properties vs. data properties on Schema.org


I am embarking on a project to classify and organize video content
hosted on a particular website which I do not control. I have
significant experience with software engineering, however I am new to
RDF, OWL, and formal data modeling techniques in general. I understand
the problem Schema.org is trying to solve, and I am thankful that it
exists. I also recognize that Schema.org's OWL representation is

I began by installing Protégé and importing the OWL ontology[0]. Then,
I arbitrarily selected a piece of video content and created a
Named Individual to represent it. It seemed good to me to begin by
instantiating a property which points to the URL of the content I am
trying to classify. Unfortunately, the `url` property[1] appears in
Protégé as an object property, not a data property. I take this to mean
that, in order to have a Thing point to a URL, I have to create a Named
or Anonymous Individual. This is not intuitive to me, as it seems more
natural to specify the URL as a literal value. The same is true of the
`duration` property[2].

Therefore, I have the following questions:

1. Is Protégé a good tool for this project?
2. Is my desire to use `url` and `duration` as literal data properties
and /not/ object properties in the spirit of how Schema.org is intended
to be used?
3. If so, how can I work around this issue?

Thank you,

[0] https://schema.org/docs/schemaorg.owl
[1] https://schema.org/url
[2] https://schema.org/duration

Received on Monday, 22 July 2024 15:06:51 UTC