Re: schema course extend: Progress!

On 19/08/2016 10:46, Adrian Pohl wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been lurking on the list for a while. This seems a good 
> opportunity for entering the discussion.
Welcome, and thanks for joining in :)

> Generally, this looks very good to me. and I think this should be 
> included in the next version of I have two minor proposals 
> for adjustment, though.
> Re. :
> - It should better read "The medium or means of delivery of the course 
> instance" instead of "of the course" as this is expceted to be used on 
> instances
Yes, I will make that change.

> Re. & 
> :
> - It currently reads: a course "may be offered as distinct instances 
> at different times and places, or through different media or modes of 
> study" and "An instance of a Course offered at a specific time and 
> place or through specific media or mode of study or to a specific 
> section of students."
> - I assume that the difference in time is constitutional for being a 
> separate instance or would a course delivered physically in a lecture 
> hall and a live version streamed on the internet constitute separate 
> course instances?

Yes, that sounds right.  There might be cases where enrolment to the 
live stream is different to enrolment to the in-person course, in which 
case they are definitely distinct CourseInstances. There might be 
examples where the live stream were considered an integral part of the 
CourseInstance--we haven't yet discussed how to use relationships like 
hasPart and subEvent to describe the components of Courses and 
CourseInstances, but modelling the live stream as a separate 
CourseInstance which is a subEvent of the main CourseInstance seems a 
valid option.

> - If my assumption is right the wording might be made clearer. Maybe 
> phrasing it something like this:
>   - a course "may be offered as distinct instances at different times 
> taking place at different locations or through different media or 
> modes of study"
OK. I think that might leave an ambiguity for instances taking place at 
the same time in different locations or at different times at the same 
location.  I'll change to
a course "may be offered as distinct instances which take place at 
different times, or take place at different locations, or be offered 
through different media or modes of study"
--which is a bit long winded but clearly separates the cases.

>   - "An instance of a Course offered at a specific time taking place 
> at a specific lcation or through specific media or mode of study or to 
> a specific section of students."
And I'll rephrase this similarly

Many thanks, Phil

> All the best
> Adrian
> Am 19.08.2016 um 11:09 schrieb Phil Barker:
>> Hello all,
>> this is a request to approve the proposal that the most stable parts of
>> our work so far into the core of More detail about this are
>> at
>> but in brief:
>> Dan Brickley asked me what Course-related terms I felt were most stable.
>> He wishes to show some tangible progress and to stabilize the building
>> blocks that we will need later (and so do I).
>> We agreed that
>>   * Course + properties: courseCode, coursePrerequisites, 
>> hasCourseInstance
>>   * CourseInstance + properties: courseMode, instructor
>> are at a stage where we can consider moving them into the 
>> core.
>> After yesterday's discussion, I think we can now add
>> educationalCredentialAwarded  to that list.
>> So, please review
>> and indicate whether you agree that these should be proposed for
>> inclusion in the core of the next release of
>> Phil

Phil Barker           @philbarker
Heriot-Watt University


Received on Friday, 26 August 2016 14:08:17 UTC