Re: Deployment, Deployment, Deployment! was: X509 and Verificable Creds: A Quick Note on WebID history - Re: All the Agents Challenge (ATAC) at ISWC 2021

On Tue, 10 Aug 2021, 1:35 am bergi, <> wrote:

> Am 27.07.21 um 20:07 schrieb Melvin Carvalho:
> >
> > I'm hearing that you dont have time/resources to take WebID any further
> >
> > So, would you step down as chair of the the WebID community group at let
> > others, perhaps a community effort, to modernize it
> >
> I strongly support that. Not leaving any comment on a proposal like that
> is even more an argument to look for another chair who can contribute
> more time for the group.

Or fork it.

Not sure of another name.

Semantic identity links to a Known person.

I have the domain (bought it so it wouldn't get lost), happy to
provide it.  Has some history about supporting individual efforts /
discovery, with W3C / RWW.



Received on Monday, 9 August 2021 22:25:02 UTC