12.12. Minutes
[rsp] Telco 12.12.2014
AW: [rsp] Telco 12.12.2014
C-SPARQL SPARQL Operators support
Call for papers: Workshop on Semantics and Analytics for Emergency Response (SAFE2015)
CfP: The 9th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2015), August 3-5, 2015, Berlin, Germany
contributing and commenting via GitHub
example of RSP-QL query to kick-off the RSP-QL syntax discussion
Expressiveness of the RSP-QL query language
new version of the example of RSP-QL query
openrdf stream sail impl
RSP-QL example query as agreed during the 12.12.2014 call
SV: new version of the example of RSP-QL query
Last message date: Monday, 22 December 2014 19:11:47 UTC