SV: new version of the example of RSP-QL query

I looked at the most recent version of the RSP-QL syntax and was just wondering if someone could clarify a few of the concepts for me that I found to be a little bit confusing since I missed the last call.

- What does the 'UNDER ENTAILMENT REGIME <...>' signify?
- Does a window consist of triples or a set of graphs? If graphs, can they be individually referenced (e.g. named graphs)?
- Does the 'BEGIN AT' apply to triples or graphs?
- Why is the aggregate part a separate clause, why not only GROUP BY and COUNT(...) AS ...?
- Can a window defined that has no name?


Robin Keskisärkkä
PhD Student

Department of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University
581 83 Linköping
Mobile: +46 70 490 91 79
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Från: Emanuele Della Valle []
Skickat: den 11 december 2014 11:55
Kopia: Emanuele Della Valle
Ämne: new version of the example of RSP-QL query

Dear all,

please find at the following link (and attached) the new version of the example of RSP-QL query

I hope it covers all the discussion we had during the phone call. I’m sure it does not cover the discussion that took place over the mailing list which I haven’t found the time to read, yet.

I will try to put this new version on git hub, but I’m still confused about how to proceed there.

@Oscar, can you please explain what you had in mind?

Best Regards,


prof. Emanuele Della Valle
DEIB - Politecnico di Milano

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2014 22:52:36 UTC