a couple of process suggestions for wiki and zakim

Hi folks, esp. the chairs:
A couple of process suggestions:

1. On the wiki, I think it would be good to put an updated version of 
all the telecon-participation instructions and guidance info about 
irc and zakim, cf. Chris's recent couple of emails, onto the wiki 
page about telecons.

2. It would be great if the irc channel could be separated visually 
somehow into logistical (e.g., who's joined or muted or on the queue) 
and substantial (i.e., real discussion points) parts, to reduce 
distraction and improve focus during the telecon itself.  I don't 
know if this is possible.


Prof. Benjamin Grosof
Web Technologies for E-Commerce, Semantic Rules, Business Policies, 
E-Contracting, Services, Trust, Financial
MIT Sloan School of Management, Information Technology group
http://ebusiness.mit.edu/bgrosof or http://www.mit.edu/~bgrosof

Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2006 17:16:50 UTC