"art direction" and "mobile first" bugs
"Different image types" issue
24 Ways - Responsive Images: What We Thought We Needed
[public-respimg] <none>
Agenda for Today’s Call
Anne-Gaelle Colom FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Brainstorming bug responses
Brian Muenzenmeyer FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Call for commitments.
Call for review of First Public Working Drafts
Eduardo Marques FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Flash Networks Ltd. FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Fwd: Publishing Use Cases and <picture> document through HTMLWG
gyro FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
How to review a spec
Ian Devlin FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
January Planning Hangout
John Allan FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Kenneth Nordahl FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Marcos Caceres FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Mobile first vs desktop first
- Marcos Caceres (Wednesday, 12 December)
- Philipp Christoph Tautz (Tuesday, 11 December)
- Kenneth Nordahl (Monday, 10 December)
- Philipp Christoph Tautz (Tuesday, 11 December)
- John Allan (Monday, 10 December)
- Ben Callahan (Monday, 10 December)
- Kevin Mack (Monday, 10 December)
- Daniel Martínez (Monday, 10 December)
- Nicolas Gallagher (Monday, 10 December)
- Konopacki, Daniel (Monday, 10 December)
- Kevin Suttle (Monday, 10 December)
- Mathew Marquis (Monday, 10 December)
- Marcos Caceres (Monday, 10 December)
Médula Diseño FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Philipp Tautz FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Publishing Use Cases and <picture> document through HTMLWG
Quick update: HTMLWG discussed our specs and bugs
Robin Berjon FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Saldum FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Seeking use cases for knowing the currently selected source
Shane Hudson FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Spectrum Brands FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
St. Michael's Hospital FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Telerik FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Thackerays FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Thrillworks inc. FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Tom Lane FSA commitment for Picture Element Proposal Specification
Update - srcset parser
Last message date: Monday, 31 December 2012 18:43:16 UTC