Re: Some reconciliation API clients I would be interested in building (or seeing built)

Hi Antonin,

I am planning to build a reconciliation client for Airtable. I will keep you posted as to when we start on this project.


Gregory Saumier-Finch | CTO | La culture crée - Culture Creates | c. (514) 316-6973 | <> 

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> On Mar 5, 2022, at 5:40 AM, Antonin Delpeuch <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I regularly think about building more clients for the reconciliation API, hoping that it picks up popularity beyond OpenRefine. I have been thinking about the following ones recently:
> * A plugin for Google Sheets. There is already a plugin to look up some information or identifiers from Wikipedia/Wikidata (, but that only exposes some functions that can be used in formulas. I would instead aim to offer a proper UI to let the user review matches (outside of cell values, because plugins cannot customize cell rendering). I think having a slick UI, applicable to all reconciliation services, would make for a really popular plugin which would drive adoption of the API.
> * Some integration with the R2RML, which defines a mapping from a relational database to RDF. There is growing awareness that turning data into linked open data often requires an alignment step, and some ad-hoc solutions to integrate alignment systems into this mapping standard already exist. For instance "EAblock", which integrates the "Falcon" entity alignment system into an R2RML pipeline:, Having a solution based on the reconciliation API could decouple this integration from the particular alignment system and data source.
> If anyone is thinking about building similar things maybe we could coordinate? (Of course I do not know how realistic it is that I find the time to build those things)
> Cheers,
> Antonin

Received on Monday, 7 March 2022 14:41:41 UTC