Some reconciliation API clients I would be interested in building (or seeing built)

Hello all,

I regularly think about building more clients for the reconciliation 
API, hoping that it picks up popularity beyond OpenRefine. I have been 
thinking about the following ones recently:

* A plugin for Google Sheets. There is already a plugin to look up some 
information or identifiers from Wikipedia/Wikidata 
but that only exposes some functions that can be used in formulas. I 
would instead aim to offer a proper UI to let the user review matches 
(outside of cell values, because plugins cannot customize cell 
rendering). I think having a slick UI, applicable to all reconciliation 
services, would make for a really popular plugin which would drive 
adoption of the API.

* Some integration with the R2RML, which defines a mapping from a 
relational database to RDF. There is growing awareness that turning data 
into linked open data often requires an alignment step, and some ad-hoc 
solutions to integrate alignment systems into this mapping standard 
already exist. For instance "EAblock", which integrates the "Falcon" 
entity alignment system into an R2RML pipeline:, Having a solution based on the 
reconciliation API could decouple this integration from the particular 
alignment system and data source.

If anyone is thinking about building similar things maybe we could 
coordinate? (Of course I do not know how realistic it is that I find the 
time to build those things)



Received on Saturday, 5 March 2022 10:40:56 UTC