Re: What and where are the definitive RDFa 1.0 and 1.1 tests?

On 5/16/12 4:26 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
> In the case or 0209, it is expected to return false, as indicated in the expectedResults field.

Thanks.  The manifest file was hard to find except via Toby's pointer to a
github repository.  Maybe you should add a link and explain how to use it.
I would be making guesses what all the other fields mean.

> Note that there's an alternative to running the test suite through You can download the rdfa-website from github, and follow the README instructions to run bin/run-suite, which will call a local command to return results given input on STDIN.

I tried that but the gem instructions failed with a mysterious error so I
took the much simpler route of turning the proto-files into legal xhtml/svg
and the output sparql into legal n-triples which is MUCH easier to test
with and adds no extra test builder dependencies for me.



> Otherwise, to download all of the tests and sparql results would require processing the manifest and constructing a URL for each test and result file and them downloading them. I could probably come up with something you could run locally to re-create all the test and result files locally, but you'd need to run some Ruby.
> Gregg
> On May 16, 2012, at 2:43 PM, Toby Inkster wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 May 2012 14:27:49 -0700
>> Dave Beckett <> wrote:
>>> It's not clear to me what are the definitive tests.
>> They are here:
>> The text files need reformatting slightly to achieve valid XHTML 1,
>> HTML 4, HTML 5, etc. You then parse them into a graph and then execute
>> the accompanying SPARQL ASK query.
>> There is a test manifest here:
>> That allows you to determine which tests apply to which versions of
>> RDFa, and which host languages. It also indicates whether the ASK query
>> is a negative one. (i.e. the test passes when the ASK returns false.)
>> -- 
>> Toby A Inkster
>> <>
>> <>

Received on Thursday, 17 May 2012 17:44:58 UTC