Made a thorough update on the RDFa primer...


I have made a fairly extensive update of the Primer, see the recent version at:

The main goal was to start with an introduction restricted to RDFa Lite. That meant re-think and slightly re-do the example and the corresponding diagrams. I then added a separate section on some non-Lite features: @about, @content, @rel, and datatypes although I skipped a bunch of details (like chaining).

I also decided to remove the additional examples that was in the document. We already got the comment from Guus at some point that there is no real logic in those examples; most of them came from the RDFa API document, in fact, but without an API most of them are fairly artificial.

The old examples (you can see them in [1]) did include an example on lists, which could be salvaged as an RDFa full feature, though.

Please review it as thoroughly as your time permits. Obviously, many of the text is new, ie, it may be full of stylistic issues, misspellings, beyond the technical content itself.




Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2012 15:30:03 UTC