Re: Updated EARL results

It looks great!


Ivan Herman
Tel:+31 641044153

(Written on mobile, sorry for brevity and misspellings...)

On 20 Mar 2012, at 19:24, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:

> I updated the results [1] which show pyRdfa, RDF.rb and clj-rdfa passing all tests for XML, XHTML1, HTML5 and XHTML5. I also updated the test case definitions in the appendix to show the input and result source inline, which makes the report much more self describing.
> Until other processors have more results, or we change the interpretation of license or HTML5 attribute semantics, I don't think we'll need to do any more updates.
> Gregg
> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2012 19:22:23 UTC