Preliminary EARL report

I ran reports for Ivan's and my processors against XML, XHTML1, and HTML5 along with vocabulary-expansion for XML. (Note, XML1 has been renamed to just XML, at Ivan's suggestion). I collected all the reports in the /earl-reports directory, with a consolidated report available at [1]. There could obviously be some better explanatory information, but the core processing work is done. Note this information is (of course) encoded with RDFa, and is available through some alternative representations, as described in the report.

Note that between Ivan and I, we pass everything (except 0235 in XHTML1 for mine, for some odd reason). I think there may be some remaining XMLLiteral issues to be worked out.

About report generation:

Individual reports are generated as HTML+RDFa and parsed into a common graph, which is then output as both Turtle and JSON-LD. Note that the structure of the EARL report has been supplemented to allow for the JSON-LD framing. This is then used directly in a Ruby/Haml template to generate the HTML report.

Feedback appreciated!



Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 00:47:20 UTC