Some comments on the timing/planning


Thomas, the eagle-eyed, has drawn my attention on an issue... Per patent policy, there are some time intervals that have to be kept between some of the transition compared to the publication of a FPWD. In the case of RDFa Lite, this is close.

RDFa Lite was published on Dec 8.

The PR cannot take place earlier that FPWD+150 days.
The PR cannot take place earlier than LC+60 days (this one is not really a problem, see below)

That means that the PR publication on the Apr 17, as set in [2], is too early. It cannot be earlier than May 8th according to my calculations. Which means that the scheduling of the transition call for the PR can take place earlier (sometimes last week of April). Because the PR review period is at least 4 weeks, the transition call for Rec cannot begin before the week of the 5th of June, which means that publication of the Rec will have to be not before the 12. The extra complication for the 5th is that I am at SemTech that week, so I cannot really participate at the transition call before the week of the 12, meaning that the Rec publication will have to be  14 at the earliest...

I will modify the home page for the W3M meeting tomorrow.




Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2012 15:59:47 UTC